About "Map this.." feature

ApostolosApostolos Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
edited October 4, 2005 in SmugMug Support
Hi to all..
I have istalled the google earth and im trying to see how can i use it with smugmug "Map this.." feature..
Lets say that i want to map Athens(Greece)
I search for Athens in google earth..Where i can find the
Latitude ,Longitude and Altitude for every location tha im interested of?

I searched the forum but due to my bad english it was difficult to understand..
If this is not a trouble please inform me..

My best regards to all


  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,011 moderator
    edited September 8, 2005
    Apostolos wrote:
    .Where i can find the Latitude ,Longitude and Altitude for every location tha im interested of?

    Google seems to be too busy dealing with the American market to bother with much of the rest of the world. They'll certainly get around to it eventually mwink.gif. In the meantime, I have been using Multimap.com . Don't know about Greece, but it works well for Spain. One drawback is that you have to manually enter the longitude and latitude into Smugmug. :cry But for now that's the best one can do.

  • ApostolosApostolos Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited September 8, 2005
    rsinmadrid wrote:

    Google seems to be too busy dealing with the American market to bother with much of the rest of the world. They'll certainly get around to it eventually mwink.gif. In the meantime, I have been using Multimap.com . Don't know about Greece, but it works well for Spain. One drawback is that you have to manually enter the longitude and latitude into Smugmug. :cry But for now that's the best one can do.

    Dear rsinmadrid

    Thank you very much for the advice and the suggestion..

    But what exactly do you insert?Which values?
  • ApostolosApostolos Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited September 8, 2005
    im getting the error "sorry but we dont have imagery at this zoom level..for this region.Try zooming out for a broader look.." headscratch.gifwxwax
  • tibutibu Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited September 8, 2005
    Google Earth

    You can use google earth to find locations all over the world. In some areas you have high resolutions photos and I for example could locate exactly my house here in Helsinki and get the exact coordinates

    Carlos Quiroz
  • ApostolosApostolos Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited September 8, 2005
    tibu wrote:

    You can use google earth to find locations all over the world. In some areas you have high resolutions photos and I for example could locate exactly my house here in Helsinki and get the exact coordinates

    Carlos Quiroz
    Yes carlos i know that :)
    but how can i find the Latitude ,Longitude and Altitude for every location thaT im interested???and to able to use it with smugmug map it feature?:):
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 8, 2005
    Apostolos wrote:
    Yes carlos i know that :)
    but how can i find the Latitude ,Longitude and Altitude for every location thaT im interested???and to able to use it with smugmug map it feature?:):

    wave.gif yasou, apostolos :D

    it's really simple :D just type in "athens greece" into google earth. you'll get this picture, and you can float your mouse over the exact location you want. the lat/long is shown on the lower left of the google earth window:


    some more information here

    good luck, with your khArtis tis elAdhas :D

    enter the lat / long (circled in red in the above screen capture) into the screen you're presented with when you click "edit geography" under your photograph in smugmug (in this example photo, it's right below the arrows that i show)

  • tibutibu Registered Users Posts: 71 Big grins
    edited September 9, 2005
    What I do
    Is to put a placemark into the exact position I want, then i can copy it to the clipboard and the placemark's data is copied as xml and you get the exact number. For instance, this is the placemar for my house

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Mi Casa




    And in the line


    You have the very exact location

    Additionally I wrote a script for IMatch that takes this xml and read the locations into the IMatch database :D

  • ApostolosApostolos Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited September 9, 2005
    Dear andy kalimera..
    Eyxaristo for your help again.rolleyes1.gif
    The only problem is that when im trying to find on the map of Athens the lat/long is shown on the lower left of the google earth window in the screenshot that you provide me,i m seeing a diferent indication..I thing its north.east,west etc..

    im i doing something wrong??

    Euxaristo Andy1drink.gif
  • BigAlBigAl Registered Users Posts: 2,294 Major grins
    edited September 9, 2005
    Apostolos, I had a similar problem. To convert to decimal coordinates, divide the minutes by 60 and add it to the degrees, divide the seconds by 3600 and add it to the degrees (or divide the seconds by 60 and add it to the minutes, then divide the minutes by 60 and add it to the degrees).

    To get the right sign, E of greenwich is positive, W is negative;
    North of the equator is positive, south is negative.

  • BigAlBigAl Registered Users Posts: 2,294 Major grins
    edited September 9, 2005
    I've just installed google earth...

    much easier method:
    Lat/Lon > set to degrees.
  • ApostolosApostolos Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
    edited September 9, 2005
    Al you are really big!clap.gif
    I would like to thank you all for your time and your precious help...
    My warmest regards iloveyou.gif
  • joffunjoffun Registered Users Posts: 97 Big grins
    edited September 9, 2005
    Apostolos wrote:
    Hi to all..
    I have istalled the google earth and im trying to see how can i use it with smugmug "Map this.." feature..
    Lets say that i want to map Athens(Greece)
    I search for Athens in google earth..Where i can find the
    Latitude ,Longitude and Altitude for every location tha im interested of?

    I searched the forum but due to my bad english it was difficult to understand..
    If this is not a trouble please inform me..

    My best regards to all
    If you have Microsoft ENcarta then you can use the lat/long coordinates from the maps - not as detailed as Google Eart but at least it covers the whole world!!
  • garyjwoodgaryjwood Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
    edited October 4, 2005
    BigAl wrote:
    Apostolos, I had a similar problem. To convert to decimal coordinates, divide the minutes by 60 and add it to the degrees, divide the seconds by 3600 and add it to the degrees (or divide the seconds by 60 and add it to the minutes, then divide the minutes by 60 and add it to the degrees).

    To get the right sign, E of greenwich is positive, W is negative;
    North of the equator is positive, south is negative.

    In Google Earth, choose "Options" from the "Tools" menu. The "Google Earth Options" dialog box will appear. The first tab, "View", has a box at the lower left called "Rendering".

    Here you can set "Lat/Lon" to "Degrees", which will show the decimal degrees that Smugmug wants. You can also set the "Elevation" to "Meters/Kilometers".

    (Here in Canada, we use metres and kilometres ne_nau.gif)

    A degree of latitude is 111.313 km. Therefore, if you only enter the first 5 decimal places (e.g. 37.98335, 23.73329), you will be within 10 meters of your desired location. That's about 1/10 of a football field in the U.S.A. :D
    - Gary
    Galleries: http://garyjwood.smugmug.com
    Photo of the Day: http://blog.garyjwood.com
    Location-enabled and interactive!
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