Mikayla, 14 days.

This morning, I photographed a dear friend's two week old. My husband tagged along on a baby shoot for the first time ever, he's apparently gained a whole new respect for baby photogs.
Miss Mikayla did NOT want to be on her tummy and I'm the master at "head-up" shots, she just wanted to be wrapped up and left alone, so there wasn't a lot of variety but that's ok, we got winners anyway.
1. Smiles. Mom left the room for a second and Mikayla was ALL smiles for a minute or two. Mom said she'd been trying to take a picture of her smile since she was born and she did it for me with no problem.

2. All snuggled up. Angie, here's that infamous white blanket. :rofl

3. This just begged for a square crop, so that's what it got. Now that I'm seeing it on flickr, I'm seeing the very top left corner got missed with the clone stamp - I'll fix it before I show it to her.

4. I wanted her to be *in* the cocoon, but she wanted nothing of it, while she was super curly, she refused to bend her knees. So we got this shot instead. Look just left of the middle and you can see itty bitty toes!

5. A pull back shot. With a husband shooting, I got to do a few BTS shots.
Here's the setup: two light stands (nothing major) with an aluminum bar with holes drilled on the side that sits horizontally between the light stand (the top of the light stand fits in the hole) Blanket clipped (using bulldog clips) to the bar. Body pillow folded in half under white blanket, baby on body pillow. White blanket "accidentally on purpose" pulled out from pillow. Baby wrapped in olive green blanket from IKEA. 6'2" husband on stepstool to get nearly on top of her shooting with his Hassy. Yes, the door is open. It was on and off raining, so our lighting was darker than we would have liked so we opened the door to let a bit more light in. All but the shot on the darker blanket were shot with this setup, where she slept for a good 30 minutes until I needed to move her.
Miss Mikayla did NOT want to be on her tummy and I'm the master at "head-up" shots, she just wanted to be wrapped up and left alone, so there wasn't a lot of variety but that's ok, we got winners anyway.
1. Smiles. Mom left the room for a second and Mikayla was ALL smiles for a minute or two. Mom said she'd been trying to take a picture of her smile since she was born and she did it for me with no problem.

2. All snuggled up. Angie, here's that infamous white blanket. :rofl

3. This just begged for a square crop, so that's what it got. Now that I'm seeing it on flickr, I'm seeing the very top left corner got missed with the clone stamp - I'll fix it before I show it to her.

4. I wanted her to be *in* the cocoon, but she wanted nothing of it, while she was super curly, she refused to bend her knees. So we got this shot instead. Look just left of the middle and you can see itty bitty toes!

5. A pull back shot. With a husband shooting, I got to do a few BTS shots.
Here's the setup: two light stands (nothing major) with an aluminum bar with holes drilled on the side that sits horizontally between the light stand (the top of the light stand fits in the hole) Blanket clipped (using bulldog clips) to the bar. Body pillow folded in half under white blanket, baby on body pillow. White blanket "accidentally on purpose" pulled out from pillow. Baby wrapped in olive green blanket from IKEA. 6'2" husband on stepstool to get nearly on top of her shooting with his Hassy. Yes, the door is open. It was on and off raining, so our lighting was darker than we would have liked so we opened the door to let a bit more light in. All but the shot on the darker blanket were shot with this setup, where she slept for a good 30 minutes until I needed to move her.

Yeah, that smile just makes the entire set. I put a few up on FB and the smile has more comments hands down than the rest.
Shame she only did it for that one setup. Oh well. She's still a cutie, I'll forgive her.
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I really appreciate the BTS shot and explanation. I love seeing how everyone photographs. Always something new to learn!
Her smile *did* melt her mom's heart, and her grandmother's too. I'm still surprised she did it for me. Grandmother commented on FB "Hope you don't mind, but I'm stealing this!!" so I'll assume she loved it.
I've never shot a newborn with somebody else, so it was always hard to do "pullback" shots. That and I just wanted proof that my husband came with me - he's already vowed he'd never do it again. Oh well, I tried. That and seeing him needing a ladder was just priceless.
Aw, thanks ::blushes::
I'm still trying to master my skin tones (especially on babies) so I'm glad my PP passed the test!
Granted, that blanket isn't perfect, but I make do with what I have. Figure if I can nail it with hand-me-down hospital blankets and props saved from the garage sale pile, then once I do get a studio and all of my set up, I'll be good to go!
I'd never thought of a story board, but I'll have to try it out and see!
I did notice that there was a HUGE wall in Mom's house that didn't have anything on it, I kept saying "this shot, blown up, metallic print ::points:: there!" hoping she'd get the hint. We'll see if it worked or not.
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Thanks for sharing!
Photos are pretty killer as well!