Help! Gallery pricing.
I've used SmugMug for a few years to sell family portraits during the winter.
I have recently made galleries with the same pricing as always. Even though I have Lustre images marked for no sale, they are showing up as the base price for my clients. I just realized this and I'm worried that some clients have placed orders in the past couple of days with my getting zero profit.
The "lustre" section is COMPLETELY blank and it is still offering that product to my clients at the base cost. What do I do???
I have recently made galleries with the same pricing as always. Even though I have Lustre images marked for no sale, they are showing up as the base price for my clients. I just realized this and I'm worried that some clients have placed orders in the past couple of days with my getting zero profit.
The "lustre" section is COMPLETELY blank and it is still offering that product to my clients at the base cost. What do I do???
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I am having to individuall set the prices for every single gallery. What's the problem?
Hi Emilie, something's not right for sure - you should be able to apply the prices. Please write us let us assist you personally from the help desk thanks.
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For what it's worth, I also experienced a pricing issue yesterday. I have always set prices in one gallery then use that gallery to price other newly created galleries in a sub-category, never any problems. However, when doing some price tweaking yesterday, I applied the new prices to a particular gallery, then went to choose the multiple galleries (3 of them from the same sub-category). After saving the pricing, every item that had been "zero" to disallow purchases suddenly became blank, which therefore made them available at my portfolio pricing. I discovered this when reviewing an order that someone placed for a glossy print which I never make available for purchases. I had to go back and manually price each of those 3 galleries, albeit easily done using a custom price of "0" for all "empty" items.
I didn't open a case at that time since I had to quickly fix it and there would be no evidence for the hero to look at while it was happening.
Photography by Joe Craig
Westerville, Ohio Photographer