How to focus?

Just a quick technical question. This may seem obvious to some, but I'm wondering how everyone focuses for their self portraits. Is this just a lot of trial and error, or is there something obvious that I'm missing here?:dunno
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Manual focus. I don't use this much, but it is a good option. Measure out say
10 feet, set something there for a mark, set the lens at 10 feet. This I would
think is the best for a full body shot.
Stand next to something that will be in the pic. Just focus on that object by
shooting a wider pic then crop, or move the focus point to the object.
Many of my photos are done this way, but with a high back chair that is on
wheels. Focus on the chair, sit down and either lean back, or roll the chair
back a foot.
Also, most of my self portrait shots are with so called point and shoot cameras.
They have a larger depth of field, so it's easier to be in the focus area.
Also I have forgone the blurred background and use a smaller aperture.
For the wolfman pic, I used a 2 second shutter at F8 ISO 50.
I was close to the camera so I just put one hand where my head would be,
and hit the shutter ( self timer ) with the other.
I hope this helps.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
In this shot, I used my hiking boot on the tailgate as a roadside tripod. It helps to have a plan for how to hide the wireless remote, though. Or you end up looking like this with a somewhat unnatural fist balled around the remote.
One way I've accomplished manual focus on a self portrait was to temporarily place something roughly where my head would be and focus on that. In one case I used a spare mic stand that was in the studio I was shooting in. Just got myself positioned where I wanted to be, measured from my nose to a couple points in space (fixed objects like music stands, pianos, etc) then got up, replaced my chair with a mic stand positioned to the same measurements and went off to focus my camera. Once the shot was focused and framed, take the mic stand away, put my chair back, make sure I can get back into the spot (checked with the tape measure) then shot several takes using a timer release. This worked great for the lens I was shooting with which had no marks to focus by distance.