Buttons of mass destruction?
Hi guys,
What's the best way of deleting *a lot* of galleries? Is there a 'destroy all categories, albums, etc. data associated with account' functionality?
I know from a quick search that there isn't a bulk delete function, is there any kind of 'delete all' functionality?
OK, probably wishfull thinking, prize idiot here has just created a lot of galleries in the wrong place, to the extent that blasting the site would be quicker, and easier on the hands than deleting them manually...
Is the API the way to go? :uhoh Or does someone know a better/easier way?
What's the best way of deleting *a lot* of galleries? Is there a 'destroy all categories, albums, etc. data associated with account' functionality?
I know from a quick search that there isn't a bulk delete function, is there any kind of 'delete all' functionality?
OK, probably wishfull thinking, prize idiot here has just created a lot of galleries in the wrong place, to the extent that blasting the site would be quicker, and easier on the hands than deleting them manually...
Is the API the way to go? :uhoh Or does someone know a better/easier way?
i'm not positive (being a mac user - ahem, nik - koff koff koff) but i think star*explorer may allow this?
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Thanks for the idea... It doesn't obviously have delete functionality, and bizzarely doesn't seem to display by 170 galleries with no photos in them...
(I accidentally created them all in 'Food'... I wonder if someone is trying to tell me something)
Cheers anyhow,
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com
I didn't get to "delete" part yet..
I will some time soon, though..:):
Keep the faith!
I have delete functionality on single album level for my firefox extension. it shouldn't be too difficult to mod this to delete all albums in a given category or sub category.
let me know.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I'll probably just hack something together...
I'm going to have to, to get the unit testing engine working properly anyhow.
I've now registed another account, so I don't have to do testing on my main photo storage one..... A litlle overdue perhaps!
SmugSoftware: www.smugtools.com
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Another option if that isn't workable is I would like to rename a category to something like junk (or something that smugmug would recognize) and when it gets sent to that the whole works gets set to private so at least it can't be seen by clients.
I know this is probably necessary functionality, and people need this to happen.
But I would caution anyone who does implement this, it is opening a potentially disastrous ending.
I for one would be scared to death to implement something like this and then have someone comeback and say "Well, I used it, but I goofed, even though it asked me 11 times if I was really sure I wanted to delete all my galleries. Can I get a restore done?"
maybe that's just the software guy in me being paranoid.
I understand. Understand from my perspective as well, coming from the software side of things, my day job company has a product that has a couple functions where you are asked "Are you sure?" TWICE and people STILL DON'T READ THE DIALOG and screw themselves up numerous times.
If someone can screw up, they will.
He He - I'm with Mike on this one, no one reads those dialogs any more. What I have used before is to make people type 'I am really, really sure' before the action but I KNOW that it will still go wrong some time....
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