Nice work! We don't see too many whitewater shots. Just needs a bit less exposure.
Maybe -1 or so?
Yep. It was a difficult light situation with the shadows in the back and the water so bright.
I was the group leader and wanted to get shots of everyone in our group. I was going to auto bracket, but by the time I got out of my boat and got my camera out, the group started down. So, I just shot what I could and my -1/2 stop wasn't enough to be perfect. Also, because I wanted to get some bursts, I shot in high jpg not raw... Oh well, I was pretty happy with them in general.
BTW, the last 2 photos in that Gallery are of me and they were taken by the pro photographer using a 20d. The one of me in my orange kayak was from the day before and the one of me in my cataraft were taken when I came down just before I eddyed out and started shooting.
Going to the Gauley for the next couple of weekends and then out to Arizona for 2 weeks. Hope to break in the new toy with lots of phots.
Also BTW, the shots were taken with the 70-200 F4 L.
I have the 17 - 85 too. Think I should get the 10-22 for the Arizona trip?
And welcome !
Silver Cloud Publishing
Cool shot
Where was this taken?
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Maybe -1 or so?
Here a couple from the lower or middle keeney
Cincinnati Smug Leader
I was the group leader and wanted to get shots of everyone in our group. I was going to auto bracket, but by the time I got out of my boat and got my camera out, the group started down. So, I just shot what I could and my -1/2 stop wasn't enough to be perfect. Also, because I wanted to get some bursts, I shot in high jpg not raw... Oh well, I was pretty happy with them in general.
BTW, the last 2 photos in that Gallery are of me and they were taken by the pro photographer using a 20d. The one of me in my orange kayak was from the day before and the one of me in my cataraft were taken when I came down just before I eddyed out and started shooting.
Going to the Gauley for the next couple of weekends and then out to Arizona for 2 weeks. Hope to break in the new toy with lots of phots.
Also BTW, the shots were taken with the 70-200 F4 L.
I have the 17 - 85 too. Think I should get the 10-22 for the Arizona trip?
Nice pics John. High water runs!