HELP! It appears my domain expired.
Good morning,
I have a growing business here at and I have two brand new galleries I worked extremely hard on for clients over the weekend that have now vanished. I received nothing from godaddy regarding a pending renewal. I am a fish out of water over here. Someone please help me out if you have experienced something similar. Godaddy's 24/7 phone support is NOT ACCEPTING CALLS!
Any words of advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
This is a disaster for me.
I have a growing business here at and I have two brand new galleries I worked extremely hard on for clients over the weekend that have now vanished. I received nothing from godaddy regarding a pending renewal. I am a fish out of water over here. Someone please help me out if you have experienced something similar. Godaddy's 24/7 phone support is NOT ACCEPTING CALLS!
Any words of advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.
This is a disaster for me.
I just called godaddy, they did answer the phone - did you call
24/7 Sales & Support (480) 505-8877?
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Phew, sorry for the panicked thread. I had dialed 408 instead of 480! I got it straightened out so it should be all set now, if you want to change it back to
Basically, when you set up a custom domain they assign you an e-mail address. According to the guy I spoke too the renewal e-mails were sent to THAT address, which I never set up. How crappy is that?!
Anyway, I had to pay an $80 redemption fee, which sucks, but I couldn't afford not to.
Thank you for your prompt attention.
once it is reset up on godaddy you'll be able to add it back, here
put in the domain box.
You may need to check/ re-set your CNAME settings for your domain on godaddy. CNAME www gets set to thanks.
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When I go to set the custom hostname on smugmug i get this:
That hostname doesn't appear to be valid. Your hostname needs to be setup using a CNAME record at your domain registrar. See our help section on custom hostnames.
What gives??!
You're all set now, I did it for you.
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Nathan, it's set up properly and your domain lands on your Smug site. It can take up to 48 hours for it to work all the way through the interwebs.
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Yes it's fully set up correctly. Until dns servers that serve you get the new info, which can take 24-48 hours (usually much faster) you'll get the parked page.
Cookies have nothing to do with it, sorry.
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That's encouraging! Thank you for your time and attention, Art!
Excellent. Great. Thank you so much. I trust that you understand my urgency to get this baby purring again!