Printing With Bay Photo Profile
I have only been able to find one Bay Photo printer profile here:
Can anyone from SumgMig or Bay Photo help me understand how one profile is expected to work across all the different paper options, and I assume printers, that Bay Photo offers?
PS: this was posted for a few days in "Finishing School" but SmuMug nor Bay Photo weighed in on the question.
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Can anyone from SumgMig or Bay Photo help me understand how one profile is expected to work across all the different paper options, and I assume printers, that Bay Photo offers?
PS: this was posted for a few days in "Finishing School" but SmuMug nor Bay Photo weighed in on the question.
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You soft proof with that profile, in Photoshop if you like. Do not embed it, Bay will print your photos perfectly across their different products and finishes. We guarantee it, too
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However, I guess I am looking for a better understanding of how that works, since that doesn't mesh with my understanding of how color management works with printer profiles, etc. I understand "soft-proofing" and rendering intent and displaying paper color,etc. Specifically the question of whether the colors I will receive will be my interpretation of the colors or the Bay Photo techs interpretation is where I get lost. Also, how they make this work across the many paper/printer combinations they offer.
I appreciate SmugMug's and Bay Photos quality guarantee and would not be afraid to use it if necessary. I just always feel like I can produce a better product if I understand how the process actually works.
KenK Photography - Lehigh Valley, PA
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