Thursday Sep 8 leaving the fog and going to the sun

DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
edited September 12, 2005 in Landscapes
I wanted to photograph some pumpkins I saw growing in a small patch in Half Moon Bay, so we left sunny Pacifica and headed south. Once we got over Devil's Slide we entered fog. Oh well, the fog will be nice and make the pumpkins even more orange I thought. We picked up sandwiches and sodas and drove down to the pumpkin patch only to find it had been harvested!

Oh well, to the harbor to watch the pelicans and sea gulls land at the "bath house" and do their flappin' and dunkin'. Still gloomy, so we decided to head back home.

When we got to Montara we could "see the light" with blue skies...just behind Devil's Slide.


Then over the hill and up on a high road so I could photograph Linda Mar Beach. Unfortunately I'm having a very difficult time processing those photos, even the one or two I took in RAW.

So on to Rockaway where the blue sky had these various clouds but the fog was blocking most of the sun.


Altho we had blue skies and sun behind us, the fog was really rapidly blowing across the lower part of the horizon to the west. Here's a shot looking south west where the rocky point had total fog over it.


Knowing there would not be a "sunset" we headed for home.


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited September 9, 2005
    i'm sure that steve, ian and i passed you guys on highway 1 :D

    lovely photos!
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited September 9, 2005
    I'll bet we did pass you...

    I love that shot of the rocks/surf. Did you notice the surfer?

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
    edited September 9, 2005
    Oh yes...
    ian408 wrote:
    I'll bet we did pass you...

    I love that shot of the rocks/surf. Did you notice the surfer?


    I knew they were surfing there, and I was lucky he actually was standing up when I wanted to take the photo. The ocean was actually kind of flat, so every so often some taller waves would come through. If you go to the southern end of the beach and park there, or in Nick's parking lot you can get some good shots with a long zoom. Not as good as Steamers, of course.
  • DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
    edited September 9, 2005
    I missed the three musketeers?
    andy wrote:
    i'm sure that steve, ian and i passed you guys on highway 1 :D

    lovely photos!

  • Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
    edited September 9, 2005
    Dee wrote:
    Well, we did wave to ya Dee :D Seriously, as we passed Pacifica. After seeing your post. you were probably not home ne_nau.gif

    Nice shots thumb.gifthumb.gif We got misted on all the way down to Santa Cruz, so you had a nice break in the weather. I like the rocks and the lil surfer too clap.gif

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
    edited September 10, 2005
    Glad we didn't head further down the coast then
    Well, we did wave to ya Dee :D Seriously, as we passed Pacifica. After seeing your post. you were probably not home ne_nau.gif

    Nice shots thumb.gifthumb.gif We got misted on all the way down to Santa Cruz, so you had a nice break in the weather. I like the rocks and the lil surfer too clap.gif


    You know, you just never know.... usually we leave Pacifica to get out of the fog, but a couple of times this summer we were the only sunny spot in the area...

    So where are the Santa Cruz pictures? I've been taking lots of pictures but the light has been so terrible they are not worth posting most of the time. Doesn't keep me from taking pictures, just posting :):

    Hey, did you hear about the burrowing owls in Mountain View -- go to the Shoreline Amphitheater area, find your way to the golf course. At the main entrance drive around and you'll come to a parking area on the left and right -- go right. At the western end are some mysterious gray sheds that look like they could be restrooms, but aren't. Park the car, and walk across the dried out crusty grass. You'll see a string of orange cones to the south. The orange cones cordon off an area where the birds are nesting. There are supposed to be 7 of them, but I only saw 5. You need a good long lens. They weren't scared, as long as I stayed by the cones, and being respectful of them I didn't venture closer because they are small birds and my 200mm would mean I'd have to be about 10 feet away, much too close for their comfort.

    But even if you don't get any postable photos, they are really neat to watch. One guy just had his head out of the burrow.
  • PatandRichPatandRich Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited September 10, 2005
    Boy do you guys make me home sick. Lived in Hayward and Pleasanton used to go to Halfmoon Bay hit the Miramar Beach for brunch and a walk on the beach or head south for Pescadero and Pidgeon Point stopping for lunch at Duarte's.

    BTY Very nice shots. I will have to post some of my shots of the area.

  • DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
    edited September 10, 2005
    Would love to see them
    PatandRich wrote:
    Boy do you guys make me home sick. Lived in Hayward and Pleasanton used to go to Halfmoon Bay hit the Miramar Beach for brunch and a walk on the beach or head south for Pescadero and Pidgeon Point stopping for lunch at Duarte's.

    BTY Very nice shots. I will have to post some of my shots of the area.


    I always enjoy how others photograph my adopted home. So, you're in Connecticut now? Home is Long Island for me, but I also lived in New Jersey and we travelled around quite a bit.

    I just saw the first signs of turning leaves as we headed down the peninsula on 280 and turned west on 85... speeding along too fast to get any shots though.

    So post some turning leaves shots for me -- I truly miss the mass of color back east. We get spots of it, and with the gorgeous spring you guys had (I went back for a family event in May) and it was so lush a spring, maybe you are in for an unusually colorful autumn display.
  • PatandRichPatandRich Registered Users Posts: 54 Big grins
    edited September 11, 2005

    Will be glad to post some leaves I do have a great view of them. Like you I have lived in many locals: Started in Staten Island NY, then Orlando FL, San Diego Ca, Hayward Ca, Roselle Park NJ, Pleasanton Ca, with stops in Texas, Kansas and many over seas stops in between.
    Unfortunatly my film cronicals are all lost but I have learned once you frame and take a shot your film my burn or your hard drive crash but your "Minds Eye" never forgets the shot and the joy of passing it on verbaly is pricelessclap.gif

  • mereimagemereimage Registered Users Posts: 448 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2005
    Lovely light in that first shot...........magical catch.............Mereimage
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