# 63 from one thumb JAG

ok, still recovering from torn up ligaments in my right thumb. So my shooting time is limited. Took these all yesterday. Let me know which (if any) are worthy to be in the album. Please ingnor the watermarks.
1 Who's that knocking?

2. Winter Camoflage

3. The embered remains of a day (A pano shot of 4 images)
1 Who's that knocking?

2. Winter Camoflage

3. The embered remains of a day (A pano shot of 4 images)

If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
#1: Not too crazy about all the white negative space mainly because it is a bird and it would look better if the environment the bird is in is displayed a little bit. It feels like the bird has been extracted from another picture and pasted onto a while layer. It feels unnatural. It could be a blown out sky that you have completely turned into white.
#2: This one is my favorite and the white vignette is interesting too. I like the bird in it too and the shallow depth of field looks great. Off-center composition is pretty good there too. However, they are bunch of tree branches after all and not exactly all that interesting, especially for an open study theme. If you are not able to shoot again, I would enter this one.
#3: The panorama is just too narrow for the picture to tell us any kind of a story whatsoever.
Hey, just because you are not feeling 100%, it doesn't mean I will cut you some slack and I am sure that is the way you want it too.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
You sir, have passed my test! I have not posted many images in a while because I was feeling that I was NOT getting the feedback I was looking for. As I had stated in my original post "Let me know which (if any) are worthy to be in the album" the 'if any' comment was because I wasn't sold on them either!
As I have learned over the past couple years of doing this challenge...I have to go over the top with my images to get them to be more than just a photograph. Because of my past work I have made it to a point of having a hard time with just 'taking' a photo. Each image I enter lately has been sub par to me because of the amount of time and complexity I have to do with the shot. I have found that each round was consuming more and more time that I didn't have. Thus I took a couple rounds off, not to mention the injury...but that wont keep me away from the camera!
So thus...instead of just a woodpecker on the side of my house taken on a very grey background sky...I try to make it have more feeling, such as either you love it or hate it. The 'blown out sky' is post processed to white in order to not detract from the greys of the bird. The "enviroment"...well there is nothing 'exciting' about the house and was no more interesting than the white background sky. But still there is no wow factor. I think your comments were well deserved!
I also am agreeing with your comments about 2 and 3. Nothing exciting enough. I do not blame my lack of 'wow' on my thumb....I blame it on a several months long slump.:cry
But hey....thanks for noticing that I can do better!
I know you have high standards!
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
I suspect the level of critique may be different as people get to know one another's thickness of skin and desire to be poked rather than stroked. FWIW, I'm one who's here to learn. Poke away...
That said, I'm not sure I'd give up on the first one. I generally agree with nightpixels, but I think it might be worth reconsidering your crop. I'm not normally a fan of square images, but I think this one might really make more sense that way. It would eliminate some of the pure white, which I think - as it is - actually causes the subject to get lost in the sea of white. In a square aspect, the balance of subject and negative space might be better.
As I'm writing this, I'm also wondering how this might look in its current aspect if the bird were in color.
My two cents....
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
#1 is just wow--excellent processing. The composition is beautiful and I like all the empty space in the frame.
Bill...believe it or not the bird is in color and I had to bump up the saturation and color the eye in more as well because it was very grey out and this fella is known as a common hairy woodpecker who lacks color except for the little patch of red on his head. Cannot see the red on it in any of these shots because I was shooting from below. Image #2 was also bumped up in vibrance and saturation to show the branches with some sort of color and distinguish it from the bird. In winter here in AK, everything looses its color. Thanks for the imput everyone!
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
The challenge is open until 7 PM PST tomorrow, so you would still have an opportunity during the day tomorrow. That said, you already have 3 good candidates.
These would be my picks too FWIW!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain