Boys day out

Steve CaviglianoSteve Cavigliano Super Moderators Posts: 3,599 moderator
edited September 9, 2005 in People
Hello All,

As some of you may know, Andy Williams is out here on the Left Coast on a business trip. Actually, that's just the excuse Andy uses to come out here to shoot and eat :lol3 At dinner Tuesday he suggested an all day shoot, on Thursday, to Ian and myself. Given the choice of working or shooting (and being the workaholics we are :rolleyes ) we instantly

So we decided to do a SF loop. Go up to San Francisco, shoot and eat, then come back down the coast. Great plan, but Mother Nature didn't give us a great day of light :cry Windy, cool and low gray clouds :uhoh You know, the type of low clouds that kiss the Golden Gate's towers and that cause you to use the windshield wipers when driving :huh Oh well, even if we weren't going to get any "special" shots, we knew we'd have a ball shooting the bull and eating :eat

We hiked down to Horseshoe Cove and shot the GGB from that side.

Then we crossed the highway and shot it from the other side. Once the tourists saw our arsenal of cameras and lenses and they found out that they were in the presence of a world renowned photographer (no, not Ian or, they begged Andy to shoot shots of their group .

We headed up towards Mill Valley and Saulsalito and stopped for lunch. Crab and corn chowdah, NE clam chowdah, crab cakes and reubens :eat After lunch we agreed that the trip was already a success....LOL Heading back down South we stopped at the Cliff House. Andy heard they had a giant camera there and he wanted to add it to his collection so he could sell it in the Flea Market once he tired of it. Say, in 2 weeks or so :nod :lol I caught Ian shooting a wide beach scene with Andy comparing the size of his 1Ds MkII to the "Giant Camera" Yes, size does matter....LOL

We headed down the road and stopped at the Legion of Honor Museum. Andy liked the look of this guy and he posed so well.....LOL Notice Andy's use of the modified "Sid Squat" :rofl

Then we walked across the street to shoot some real artists. This one is called "A painter painting a painter painting the Golden Gate"....LOL

We followed this with a very dreary and misty ride down to Santa Cruz for dinner on the Wharf.

Thanks to Ian for letting me use his 10-22mm :lust and for his excellent company. Thanks to Andy for the laughs, being the driver and only complaining mildly about the light and the food....LOL

Thank you for looking,
SmugMug Support Hero


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