Obra - PowerShell for SmugMug
I have been working on a PowerShell drive for SmugMug in my spare time. Basically, Obra is a CLI for SmugMug. (Yes, a command-line interface for a visually driven web site.) I used it mostly has an opportunity to learn, but I think it will be useful to others. You need a little bit of PowerShell know-how to use, but I have posted some examples on the project wiki to get people started.
Obra is under the Apache 2.0 license, and the project web site is http://code.google.com/p/obra/. Kick the tires and let me know what you think!
I attached a screenshot of an example session.
Obra is under the Apache 2.0 license, and the project web site is http://code.google.com/p/obra/. Kick the tires and let me know what you think!
I attached a screenshot of an example session.
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Hi, has anyone attempted or offered to create a GUI for Obra?
Especially the part where it says "It exposes albums as directories, media as files, and EXIF data as properties."
This could be extremely useful if it could be implemented in a way where we can browse the directories, its files and the properties of files without having to go into smugmug website or having to navigate into directories to find that one picture we are looking for.
Sorry, I need to answer your question with a question: Is Obra still around? The project URL returns a 404 error.
> I have been working on a PowerShell drive for SmugMug in my spare time. Basically, Obra is a CLI for SmugMug. (Yes, a command-line interface for a visually driven web site.) I used it mostly has an opportunity to learn, but I think it will be useful to others. You need a little bit of PowerShell know-how to use, but I have posted some examples on the project wiki to get people started.
> Obra is under the Apache 2.0 license, and the project web site is http://code.google.com/p/obra/. Kick the tires and let me know what you think!
> I attached a screenshot of an example session.
Is this still supported? When I use my Smugmug UserID (email address) and enter a password, I can cd to smugmug:\. But when I do anything, e.g. dir, I get an error: Invalid API key. Does your code need to be updated to use the v2.0 API which uses OAUTH 1.0a?
Also, regarding a GUI to access the drive --- what exactly is a mounted, named drive within Powershell. Is it a Windows drive, or something specific to Powershell? Is there a way to mount the drive so that it looks like normal Windows, mapped drive. This can be gone for remote drives using WebDav.
> Also, regarding a GUI to access the drive --- what exactly is a mounted, named drive within Powershell. Is it a Windows drive, or something specific to Powershell?
I haven't gotten to actually load it yet but from what I read in the product page it loads it as a PSProvider and that's PowerShell only. If the provider has been built with the support, but I seriously doubt it, you could try New-PSDrive with --Persist