Digital Video Camera Needed
So - we may be getting a digital video camera. However, we have no idea what to get. This is more for getting great vids of the daughter, including when she is at her gymnastics meets.
We are not necessarily going on the cheap side on this, and certainly will not be dropping $5000.00.
What is recommended? :ear:ear:ear
We are not necessarily going on the cheap side on this, and certainly will not be dropping $5000.00.
What is recommended? :ear:ear:ear
Well that would be fine. I guess I am just not sure what makes that good (or great), and what is out there that is better (and what makes it better).
I see the Sony NEX- VG10 and say, "Wow, that's a great camera with interchangeable lenses." But, it has great price, too. Even then, I am not sure if the images/features are better (besides the possible lenses) than the Canon.
The video cameras all seem to be HD, and use SDHC cards. Does it then come down to usability?
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
The Sony is a pretty good camera as well although it's pretty big. Would you be inclined to take it or leave it behind given it's size?
That said - the HV20-sized cameras would probably be best. Feature-wsise we would not need a lot - great stabilization, relatively long battery life, and great image quality. It looks like most cameras shoot HD-sized videos now. Some seem to have internal storage as well. How much video, time-wise, can be stored on an 16GB SDHC card?
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
I have heard people trying to playbaclk HD video on their MacBooks and they are getting stuttering playback or, in the case of the Air, not able to view at all due to the Air's screen size.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy