Pricing??? for SmugMug prints
Have just started a SmugMug account, have people interested in buying my photos. Have never sold any before! Can anyone give advice about pricing, general markup, popular sizes and finishes to offer? Thank you!!
I crop all my images (ones for sale) to the 4x5 aspect ratio (approx 700dpi for my D300 and I use photoshop for processing)
cropping to 4x5 that means I offer for sale 8x10, 16x20 and on up to 40x60 inches...if I get an email and they want another
aspect ration I then re-crop the original file and place my signature accordingly so that it is not covered up by a mat......
all my sold work goes out with my signature (not a copyright notice: ©Arthur Scott 2010).....I found a font that is close
to my own handwrighting and use that in a shade of yellow gold.....sometimes in a grey silver....if the client wants a
custom signed print then I have gold and silver paint pens by Pilot (Pilot Gold and Silver Markers and they are acid free...
found at some art supply stores and blue print shoppes each comes in a clear plastic container with an instruction sheet
and the run less than $2 each).
There are lots of photogs on here that do not do this....they upload full sized files and allow the client to crop, but then
you cannot have a signature and it is no longer your true vision...but the clients vision of how YOUR work should look.....
As to pricing.....I go with 3-10 times what I have to pay for the print (an 8x10 costing me $5 will sell for around $35
usually, much larger prints will have a smaller mark up).....depending on the work I have done to create
my vision and also what I feel the market will bear...if I go to a market and there are buffoons selling custom 8x10's for
3 or 4 dollars I won't participate as they using prints from printers like walmart and such and all of mine are custom prints
or master grade prints from my local pro Processor....not out of a mag where you can get 100 prints for $85 or such.....
Good Luck.