Custom Domain Problem?

My custom domain suddenly stopped working. Was anything done last night that would affected it? Is anyone else having problems. I checked with my provider and everything from their standpoint is normal.
Edit: Wow, you guys work fast. I had waited about three hours to post my question and right after I finally got around to it, everything was back to normal and my custom domain was working again...ah...thanks for the fast work...ah...?
Edit: Wow, you guys work fast. I had waited about three hours to post my question and right after I finally got around to it, everything was back to normal and my custom domain was working again...ah...thanks for the fast work...ah...?
It was probably an issue with your domain host, I'm sorry. Glad you're all sorted!
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Actually, it's back again. It seems to be coming and going. The great cyberspace God must have the hiccups...
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You guessed it right Andy...I just signed back onto my custom domain providers website and received the message below...
Have fun,
Please see my post above, very important!
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Not sure what you saw, but I pointed the CNAME to that address way back when the post first came out and I've had not problems until today which appears to be an issues with my providers platform.
Add Domain Aliases (CNAME)
Add more domain aliases by filling in the fields below. Please click Continue when finished. points to
Maybe it's because your domain host is having problems .. I still can't pull up your site because of that.
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Always include a link to your site when posting a question
I emailed the help desk and Anthony indicated that my A record IP address was incorrect. Not sure what the A record does but I changed the IP address to the one he provided.
I had set all that up per the 2009 instructions. One question I had for Anthony was when did you guys change the IP address where I point the A record and is there any way I could be notified via email of important changes, like that one, that may have an effect on my customizations? Trust me, I wouldn't complain about being spammed on those topics. Maybe give customers the option to opt-out via their control panel if they don't want to recieve those notifications.
Oh, and if you get the time, pat Anthony on the back...he did a great job.
EDIT: Clarification--the original problem was/is technical issues with my domain host's hosting platform, not a SmugMug problem.
Thanks for checking John. My domain host is still having problems...can't complain though, this is the first time in seven years with them. Here's the notice they have up on my account page...
Hey guys!
I just woke up to the same issue. It's not a smugmug problem. Their site does say they are having technical issues. It's for anyone else getting on here having the same issue.....
Thanks for all you do Andy and the gang!!
Actually, I've noticed now that by going to the site pulls up but none of my custom headers are working.... Strange....
because you are pulling your banners from your custom domain
#my_banner {
width: 750px;
height: 100px;
margin: 0 auto;
background: url( no-repeat;
change this and it will work always, even if your domain is down
#my_banner {
width: 750px;
height: 100px;
margin: 0 auto;
background: url(/photos/986140346_4yykc-L.png) no-repeat;
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Thanks Andy!! I should have caught that myself.....
I appreciate it!
Just a quick update on the domain host problem...
From their website:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: 9:30 AM, Saturday, November,13th - On Friday, November 12th we were hit by a distributed denial of service attack (ddos). We are actively working to mitigate the attack and restore services as soon as possible. Every available resource has been deployed to address this malicious attack. If you are having trouble accessing your webmail, please contact customer service at 1888.734.4783. We will update you as soon as we have more information.