# 63 completely different direction...

ok, so things were not panning out for me to go out and take a scenic shot today. Instead I decided that my other favorite type of photography I do is emotion set ups. Like telling a story. Does this hold anyones attention?

Do you have one with the left part of the lamp shade?
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Like the Ghost on the right though...
**just my two cents on your previous cc thread... I though 'Who's That Knocking' was a fabulous image. One of those images that had me go whoa!.... Beautiful clarity, I LOVE negative space and also the HiKey nature of the image. Something I wish I'd have shot, and something I would hang.
I got pretty much the same feedback...too staged, too flat, too cliche.
I actually like your image because it has more sense of space than the one I did. it gives me a sense on how to evolve from where I was.
That said, I do think your earlier images are stronger than this one.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
set ups are like Norman Rockwell type set ups. A moment in time that is not necessarily a actual event but a sentament of life that people might be able identify with. If you think that Norman Rockwell portrials of life were "cliche' then I have also accomplished my goal! I do believe that all of these images placed in the top 5 of voting rounds. I like this type of photography. Which is why 85% of my business moneys come from shooting theatrical work for local theatre companies.
So I guess that since this is a 'open study' theme and there are so many wonderful portraits, scenic, wildlife shots, I figure this might be a one of a kind style!
As for the lampshade....alas It was unavoidable. There was a large birdcage that kept getting into the picture if I widened the angle more.