Glare in my pictures, please look and help :(
I just took some pictures using my 50mm 1.8, and due to the shade I used the built-in flash to fill in light. And for some reason all of the photos I took with flash came out with some green shades. I couldn't figure out what they are because they came in all shapes and colors. I've been shooting with this lens (with UV filter) for 3 years and never ever had this problem before.
1) On the little girl's shoulder

2)On the man's shirt

Thank you very much!
1) On the little girl's shoulder

2)On the man's shirt

Thank you very much!
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
I didn't think about doing that. However I notice this mostly happened in the pictures with filled light.
I want to say I have seen this before but I can't remember what caused it....
Sync issues?
Did you accidentally have your flash set to rear curtain?
photography facebook
If you're shooting into a light source, remove your filter and use a lens hood if you've got one.
Assuming a hood would help, Directly into it, as with even that image you posted, a hood would not help.
If someone was sitting and the sun was out of frame, but still shooting towards the sun/light, a hood would help.
There is a reason MultiCoated filters are expensive, they really help cut down on the reflections.. unlike the cheap copies. Any good filter I have, I've never seen ghosting, but I'm guessing the cheapest filter I've ever bought was $130.
Filter could be the problem. However if it's the filter than shouldn't the shape and sizes of the glare be similar?
Also like I said, I have been using this lens and filter for a long time, many times shoot under harsh sun light and never had this problems (I did get glare but not these green strange shapes). In this same shoot, some other pictures taken in a hall way/shaded area without any direct lights still had the same problem.
This one was shoot a long time ago under summer light, very harsh but as you can see the glare (or flare) is in the common shape/color and imho doesn't affect the photo
I will try to do some testing tomorrow with filter off. Thank you all!
It does look like it is glare caused by filters. I know there are (at least) two main ways of thinking about using filters, but personally I never use filters unless I need it to achieve something. I'm going to guess that on your shots without the filters you will not see the glare. & smugmug