Mr. Bear
From earlier post in Another thread:
Mr. C Pants... Thanks................ The bear was shot at the Indpls Zoo...
He was up in the corner -very back of the outdoor cage ~ 20 yards away , got up and walked nonchalantly to the very front of the cage right in front of all the viewers turned his ass to us and took a gigantic shat.............Who says there no such thing as animal intelligence....We knew we were just given the finger:rofl:rofl:rofl
well I have a few more pics of Mr. Bear

He was huge - I can't imagine meeting him in the wild... I hope you enjoy Mr. Bear
Mr. C Pants... Thanks................ The bear was shot at the Indpls Zoo...
He was up in the corner -very back of the outdoor cage ~ 20 yards away , got up and walked nonchalantly to the very front of the cage right in front of all the viewers turned his ass to us and took a gigantic shat.............Who says there no such thing as animal intelligence....We knew we were just given the finger:rofl:rofl:rofl
well I have a few more pics of Mr. Bear

He was huge - I can't imagine meeting him in the wild... I hope you enjoy Mr. Bear
It's a feat to get detailed eyes in bear photos much less ones where you can actually see the whiites of their eyes. Awesome!
the only thing is to maybe lower the saturation a bit ( understand that im not even sure if thats what its called ) but there seems to a little to much "blue" where it might be "really" brown.... Heck it dont even matter coz the pics are great!
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
The pics were taken with Canon 100-400is wide open f4.5 @200mm 1/60
the bear had been in a pool which gives the matted look to his fur, the blue color was there from all the exposed concrete which surrounded him on all sides-did take it out in PS in a few shots but didn't really improve them imo.
He is A monster many times bigger than bears seen in our nat. parks.