
My trip to Asia

anonymouscubananonymouscuban Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 4,586 Major grins
edited November 17, 2010 in People
OK folks. In approximately 14 days, 10 hours and 54 minutes (but who is counting) we will be departing for this years vacation. This time we are tackling parts of Asia. We will be spending some time in the Philippines, Thailand, Korea and maybe Vietnam or Taiwan. Very excited!!! :barb

I am planning on taking a small collapsible softbox, my SB600 speedlight, a light stand and a 5-in-1 reflector. Also bringing my wireless triggers just in case. I want to be able to take some nice on location portrait shots of the wife and family. This setup fits nicely in my backpack. Is there anything else you think I should bring?
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