
Traditional Wedding Album advice

GerryDavidGerryDavid Registered Users Posts: 439 Major grins
edited November 18, 2010 in Mind Your Own Business
I am in the process of designing my first traditional wedding album. Ive been happy with offering press printed books but my client from September wanted the traditional album.

I designed the book, showed it to her, it had an extra 6 pages of images, and she approved it. The problem, its 26 pages and when I went to order the album, it turns out the one she approved only comes in 20, 24 and 30 pages. It never occurred to me that they couldn't add single sleeves in.

So I have a couple options here, unless anyone has any other advice.

The first, is tell her and have her remove a couple pages and loose a bit of money *would rather not go this route*

The second, add a blank page to the front and the back. They do offer a blank mat to go in the page on both sides so it probably wont stand out to much.

This 2nd option may give me an opportunity to advertise, I could put in a small matted window on the back page or something and put in my logo or something. I'm thinking of not doing this though.

My name is on page 1, I have an 8x10 opening on the first page, with the name of the bride and groom, it lists the wedding party and on the bottom it lists photographed by:. Thats the only mention of me in the album and it doesnt even have my logo. But I wanted the book to look classy so that's why I didn't stick my large red G logo on any pages.

So my question here is, would it look weird to have a blank page at the front and back of the book? or should I stick both blank pages at the back? Perhaps any ideas that I haven't thought of?

I doubt they will go for extra pages since they already spent an extra $600 to get the extra pages. I could put in some candid pictures of the reception and after the ceremony.


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    GlortGlort Registered Users Posts: 1,015 Major grins
    edited November 17, 2010
    Maybe just give them some 8x10's you think are good for free or do a double page panorama.

    They always seem to impress and would be a talking point especially if the couple mention you threw them in for free.

    I have also seen people that put in the wedding invite or the menu from the reception with the B&G's name on it. Paste it in on a blank page.

    What about an engagement portrait at the Beginning or the end if you did any?

    One I have done to end a lot of my albums is to photo shop a nice pic so it is desaturated and write over the top of it, It's not the end, Just the Beginning" and have that as the final page in the book which also seems to get a lot of Ohh's and ahh's.
    Put your logo and name in the bottom corner of that pic as it won't look out of place there especially if it was a complimentary pic.

    Other than that, the blanks don't seem a bad idea.
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    GerryDavidGerryDavid Registered Users Posts: 439 Major grins
    edited November 17, 2010
    This particular album isnt suited for double page pano's, there are only 12 different matt options. I am doing a virtual pano by having two 10x10's, but there will be a 2 inch gap in the center, well 2 inch estimated, havent seen the album yet.

    I didn't get to do an engagement portrait, tried to do one but they didnt want to. They also live like 10 hours away *shes from here*. I dont really want to "surprise" them by adding a page at the end, because by the time she gets it, she may not like it, and it'll be hard for me to fix it if shes back home.

    I already have an "artistic" affect on the last page. I could do a 2nd special page as you recommended with a desaturated and maybe lower opacity image.

    Thanks for the advice. :)
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    PeterR717PeterR717 Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
    edited November 18, 2010
    Not sure if this will work with the layout as you wouldn't want to interfere with the pictures they selected but...

    What about a Thank You print? Similar to Glort's idea. Pick one nice photo, desaturate, and write a nice thank you to them for using [Your Studio] Photography and your logo.
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