Another Climbing Weekend
I'll follow Mushy's lead here and post some of my own climbing pics...
We spent Halloween weekend at Horsepens 40 in NE Alabama. It's about 8 hours from here (Gainesville, FL), but some the closest rocks and autumn leaves available (because we have none... yay Florida :rolleyes). Anyway, it's one of the best bouldering sites in the southeast and known for it's slopers and sketchy top outs.
Bo on 'Bumboy', one of the most famous problems at HP40

Under the starting hold of 'Bumboy'

Bo looking like a ninja ready to pounce, on top of 'Bumboy'

Paul on 'Snibe'

Some nature

Some railing

View from the lookout point

Thanks for looking!
We spent Halloween weekend at Horsepens 40 in NE Alabama. It's about 8 hours from here (Gainesville, FL), but some the closest rocks and autumn leaves available (because we have none... yay Florida :rolleyes). Anyway, it's one of the best bouldering sites in the southeast and known for it's slopers and sketchy top outs.
Bo on 'Bumboy', one of the most famous problems at HP40

Under the starting hold of 'Bumboy'

Bo looking like a ninja ready to pounce, on top of 'Bumboy'

Paul on 'Snibe'

Some nature

Some railing

View from the lookout point

Thanks for looking!
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Spread the love! Go comment on something!
Beautiful photo's of the surrounds too.
Any more of the actual bouldering?
Not enough climbers here so keep up the posting I say
The gallery is here if you want to see more. There are some imperfect lensbaby shots in there, so consider yourself warned.
Unfortunately we only get to climb outdoors once or twice a year because real rocks are so far away from our swampland home, so don't expect to see any more before April.
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