Question RE Ordering Cards

I would like my customers to be able to order Christmas cards from my smug mug site, but as far as I can tell, the cards are only available for me to purchase.
Am I missing something?
What's the procedure for non-owners in purchasing cards from smug mug?
Am I missing something?
What's the procedure for non-owners in purchasing cards from smug mug?
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Okay - so how is this done?
I want them to see samples - how do I do that?
You have a multitude of styles and options, it seems I would be trying to reinvent the wheel to design cards and display them in my gallery - not to mention very time-consuming? - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
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I'm so sorry, but I don't understand.
Where does the customer find an option to purchase cards.
I see that I have an option to set prices for cards, but when I select a photo to buy, as a customer would, there is no option to purchase cards.
And even if there were, where is the interface by which the customer chooses a design? Or, maybe you mean, show the customer the gallery with the card designs (above), get instructions from the customer as to design, text, qty, and then I create the card in "owner buy," and submit it as an order by me? - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
Hey Sara, I can help more. Please paste a link to the gallery, thanks.
OH and please, order up some good weather for Thanksgiving weekend? I'm taking all my kids and will be at the island next door visiting my 2nd oldest son - Nantucket.
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It's this gallery. I just threw some prices in there, testing things out.
I click on "buy photos" and the only options are prints.
Oh - you apparently haven't heard of the ages-old Vineyard-Nantucket rivalry. We don't send any good weather over there, we keep it for ourselves.
The Big Game is scheduled for this coming Saturday (V vs N), so you'll either find a lot of smiles, or some glum chums when you arrive for T-day.
Seriously, you'll have a wonderful time, I'm sure. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
Hmmm...maybe that's a feature that only appears to a visitor, because now I see it when switched to Visitor View.
And, now I see that there is the option for the customer to create a card, after all.
I just needed to set up the pricing, I guess.
Will explore this further.
Thanks! - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
So you will hog the fair calm weather yourselves, eh?
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Yup, your link took me to create a card.
When I'm logged in, when I click 'buy' I get
(this photo, grayed out, probably because I'm in Journal)
- Photos in this Gallery (and there are only photos)
Owner Buy:
Create a Book
" " a Card
" " a Calendar
" " a Collage
" " an Animoto Video
Mounting and Framing
The Gift of Smug Mug
(Gallery Backup, grayed out)
Other services:
Business Cards
Post Production
It's only when I'm in Visitor View that I see 'create a card' as an option under 'buy.' - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
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Andy, I do see that choice., but that's not what I'm after.
That only enables me, the owner, to create a card.
I want my customer to be able to create a card himself, and that option appears only when I am logged out, under buy.
When I'm logged out, 'Buy' shows:
This Photo
Photos in this Gallery
Create a Card
All Digital Downloads
So, I think I'm set?
Is there something else I need to know?
About Nantucket - it will be gorgeous there this time of year. I've actually been there twice.
It used to be, you couldn't get to Nantucket from the Vineyard except by taking the ferry to Woods Hole, then another ferry from Woods Hole to Nantucket. 3 1/2 hours, total (assuming you could coordinate the schedule).
Things are much different now, of course.
Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll be on the Vineyard or in Boston for T-day, to tell you the truth. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
You are all set
Thanks for the kind words, I'm looking forward to a nice holiday on the island. My son lives there, works as SmugMug Support Hero, and his SO is a teacher in the Nantucket Schools.
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Nantucket in the winter is not for the faint of heart - good that he's got a friend, and nice to know there's a Support Hero close by.
Happy Thanksgiving, Andy. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
Is there a way that I can get images of those cards available through smug mug to use in advertising. I want to create some flyers.
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