
how to approach a pet store

GerryDavidGerryDavid Registered Users Posts: 439 Major grins
edited November 19, 2010 in Mind Your Own Business
I was driving through town today and noticed a pet store, I'm not sure how long they have been there, its not a large one. I was thinking of going in, ask for the owner and see if they would like to work out a partnership. Basically my idea is to give them coupons for my business, to give to their customers. Each coupon would give the person some sort of deal, perhaps a free sitting or something, and the pet store owner would get 10% for the referral.

Ill also be checking the place out, see if its big enough to do portraits there, but judging from the outside, there probably wouldn't be enough space to do pet portraits there.

This is my first time approaching a business like this. I'm guessing I should ask for the store owner, but what if they are not there, just ask when they will be back or is there another that would be good to speak to?

Another idea is to create lil ads that can go on specific items in the store, like doggy clothing. I seen something like this in sears a while back on baby clothing for their portrait studio.

What sort of deal would entice people, with out giving prints away.

edit> forgot to ask, what day of the week or time of the day is usually best? I don't want o be a nuisance and Ill be going in unannounced.


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    SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited November 18, 2010
    Rather than give the 10% to the pet store, donate the 10% to the humane society. Or work out a deal with the pet store owner that he donates an amount of dog food to the humane society. That would be good publicity for both you and the pet store.
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    GerryDavidGerryDavid Registered Users Posts: 439 Major grins
    edited November 19, 2010
    I like that, 10% to the humane society or perhaps the local animal shelter. Its good publicity, but how do you publicize it? Just put a sign in the shop by the cash, or put something on the coupon?

    Normally I dont like drawing attention to my good deeds, I feel one should do it because its the right thing to do, not to brag about it. But in terms of business, I think its ok to get some good pr.

    I believe there is also a pet spa or something like that near that pet store, does anyone have any tips for a deal to work out with that one? Same sort of thing with a coupon or are there other opportunities there?
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