Any ONe else experienceing SLOW SLOW uploads

just curious if it is just out of Wichita or if others are experienceing slow uploads mine are currently runing at 2,81Mbs a secthis upload of 1k images was started at 3:35Pm yesterday and restarted around 9am this morn due to SM maintaince last night
Already sent my tracer route and have help ticket.......
Already sent my tracer route and have help ticket.......
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I have another 1k to upload from last night and will be getting calls from professors and dancers wanting to see dress rehearsal pix that I cannot
produce...since opera is still uploading......
If you are using the HTML5 uploader I would switch. Based on what I have seen any issues with your connection and it slows to a crawl or fails.
The simple uploader so far has been able to work under these conditions and much much faster.
This isn't true, I'm sorry. I could be local to you though, and we'd love to find out more - please write our Support Heroes ATTN: Andy so we can find out the details and assist.
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Based on the testing and all the times I have tried the HTML5 uploader it is 100% true.
Because of the failures of upload it is very slow.
Simple Uploader is not failing and it is much quicker.
I will get a dialog started offline with the support heroes.
Cool, thanks. Be sure to put ATTN: Andy on the subject.
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I put it to your attn in the message. Ticket # 171401 if that helps
Flashdot Photography, LLC
Flashdot: The red dot you see after the flash fires...
Hi, please write our Support Heroes we can run some line diagnostics with you.
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Currently having the same problem. It takes a while. Then fails.
Not sure if its a problem because it tries to upload multiple files at once? (And I am using my connection to do emails at the same time - will this have an effect?)
The uploader that done each file one at a time seemed to be the most reliable. However having issues with that too.
Is this a known issue or shall I fire off an email to support too?
Uploading and all services are chugging along great so please write our Support Heroes we can help!
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