Studio: Strobe vs Continuous Lights
So after a long wait I've got about $225-$250 to spend on some studio lights.:ivarHowever I'm having trouble deciding on what to get. I can get a single strobe light or possibly a couple continuous lights (which seem to be cheaper).
My question is what is the major difference? Does anyone have any experience with continuous light studio 2-3 light kits? What brand is better?
I've use Alienbees, and White Lighting Strobe lights in my current job but I also know those can be a bit pricey. Does anyone know a cheaper but good quality strobe light?
Thanks in advance for you help!:clap
My question is what is the major difference? Does anyone have any experience with continuous light studio 2-3 light kits? What brand is better?
I've use Alienbees, and White Lighting Strobe lights in my current job but I also know those can be a bit pricey. Does anyone know a cheaper but good quality strobe light?
Thanks in advance for you help!:clap
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Nikon D200, D80, SB600, nikon 50mm 1.8, nikon 18-135 3.5-4.6, nikon 70-200
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Nikon D200, D80, SB600, nikon 50mm 1.8, nikon 18-135 3.5-4.6, nikon 70-200
I know of notrhing better or actually just as good in the price range of any of Paul Buffs can go to adorama and get their house brand...probably made in china, who knows where it is made or any other house can go Britek..again that is prob made in china...but all of the Paul Buff line of lights are still made in the Nashville as far as I know.....I have been informed of any outsourcing for manufacture and since I have been using white lightnings for over 25 yrs, I usually send an email anytime a new lighting line is einsteins..yep pricy.......
Here is a good buy off ebay....and these are the ones I have used for over 25yrs now.....
Sidenote: Speedlights/flashes/strobes stop action and help with sharpness of a picture IMMENSELY. Hot lights, not so much. Go buy some garage lights at walmart for cheap if you're just looking to get your basics of studio lighting down. They're hot and bright but once you switch to strobes, you'll never go back.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
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Nikon D200, D80, SB600, nikon 50mm 1.8, nikon 18-135 3.5-4.6, nikon 70-200
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Nikon D200, D80, SB600, nikon 50mm 1.8, nikon 18-135 3.5-4.6, nikon 70-200
I think you know the answer to this. One Alien Bee 400 will cost as much as this entire set. How good do you really think the quality can be?
I know this looks good to you now, but I tend to believe there is a logical rational reason the price is a mere fraction of what any other reputable known manufacturer can offer their product for.
OH....yeah, the's cheap!
Good Luck.........