Looking for outdoor lighting suggestions...
I posted my query in weddings since it's for an e-shoot, but for those of you who spend more time here in people and don't cross into Pretty Pretty Princess land as much ... please feel free to chime in! Looking for any and all ideas. Thanks in advance! :thumb
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Very cool location!
The Photographer’s Ephemeris (TPE) is a free application for Mac/Windows/Linux designed for landscape photographers.
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We'll see if I manage to come up with something or not!
Here's my alleyway as per the software mentioned above - I fear that those buildings are going to block the late afternoon sun (we'll be shooting from 2pm on Sunday, and sunset is 4.43, I believe), but if a shaft of sunset light finds it's way through there it could be gorgeous....
I do like Zoomer's simple approach since it's all I have to work with at the moment as well....
Since you only have two lights perhaps a reflector?
BTW, that is a very cool tool indeed....