monitor recommendation

Hello, I still use a Dell CRT ( 5 years old ) but I dont think it's up to snuff. I want to buy an LCD monitor. I have Dell XPS 400 (2006) that runs Paint Shop Pro / Photoshop 3 which is fine for me. I will only use this computer for working with pictures no video no gaming. I do not really print but I want to be sure that what I see on the screen is accurate. I dont forsee me using adoge rgb. I think 24" is probably right for me. Willing to spend up to $600.00 if necessary. Even though I do not plan any professional use of my pictures I want to be sure that what I see is accurate and when i post online it looks the way it should. Recommendations appreciated....
Im not a computer guy so any recommendations need to work with the DEll XPS 400 if that is even a consideration when choosing a newer monitor
Im not a computer guy so any recommendations need to work with the DEll XPS 400 if that is even a consideration when choosing a newer monitor
Hmmm.... this looks familiar.... as in DPReview familiar.
I think you have seen this before...