Smugmug down?

Smugmug down? Tried three different browsers. Other sites still available.
503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.
503 Service Unavailable
No server is available to handle this request.
We're on it, Ops is awake and on the case. I expect they'll get it sorted fast. Sorry for the hassle, folks.
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Cincinnati Smug Fan Page
My Smuggy
Wow, do you guys ever sleep? Great to know you're on it already!
Anthony Grisier Photography
Same here....haven't tried other browsers but came here to I know it's not me...
Anthony Grisier Photography
Smuggy OD'd on Tryptophan
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We're in Read Only mode while we fix the issue. Photos and sites will display, but you can't upload or do admin functions or buy right now.
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I'm still getting 503 Service Unavailable. Checked the status page ( but the issue isn't listed there at all. Darn, I have customers trying to get in...
Still receiving errors here....the home page appears, but slowly, then if I go to log in, an error.
yesterday was insanely slow, taking up to 2 min to load a single page and now today i cant even get on the site?! occasionally i can get into the homepage but crashes if i try to login??
well, i have to say im beginning to wonder what all the hype was about! perhaps its time to look around at what else is available?
I've used SM for years and can say that problems are generally few and far between.
All networks go down sometimes, but the SM guys have always been pretty quick getting things on-line again. I'd say, you'll be fine - let them fix it and enjoy the rest of your trial.
S**t happens to the best of sites, and SmugMug is one of the best.
I understand that it is really frustrating when you are counting on you or your customers being able to get on, but people do understand. And I can say from experience as a paying customer that the SmugMug folks work their tails off to keep things running smoothly for us all.
Despite occasional problems that take a few hours to fix (and sometimes more), I am more than happy with SmugMug.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Sorry for the hassle, folks!
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Ops has us all fixed up. Sorry for the read only mode guys. Back to normal now! Enjoy your Thanksgiving, folks
WE HAVE TURNED OFF FEEDS temporarily, and we're slowly bringing them back online.
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I REALLY appreciate the Smugmug team getting things back online quickly on a holiday weekend! I pushed myself to get several projects uploaded before Thanksgiving and when I saw the site was down, I was disappointed. Thanks to your quick work to recover, I did over $800 in sales over the holiday!
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