Birthday girl
My youngest daughter turned eleven on Thanksgiving as she was born on turkey day it falls on that day every four years or so....
I can never quit tinkering with camera techniques so I took a bit of what I recently learned and applied it.
Namely using strobes to just barely augment the ambient light.
I did have a bit of an issue with WB though because of that.
With her cousin, best friend and exclusive (only) guest as usual....
Thanks for peeping
I can never quit tinkering with camera techniques so I took a bit of what I recently learned and applied it.
Namely using strobes to just barely augment the ambient light.
I did have a bit of an issue with WB though because of that.
With her cousin, best friend and exclusive (only) guest as usual....
Thanks for peeping
Yo soy Reynaldo
It is about how that thing looks photographed." Garry Winogrand
Avatar credit: photograph by Duane Michals- picture of me, 'Smash Palace' album
The lighting on these are nice, especially the first one. These will be great once you correct WB.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I'll be tinkering in post to see if I can find a way to keep it consistent. I don't think that auto wb is a good way to go when the light sources can be so mixed.
Correct me if I'm wrong but while shooting manual flash via triggers, the camera reads the white balance based on the ambient light not accounting for the flash?
This won't work with all images since it has to contain a neutral gray point. However, looking at all three of these shots, it appears that they do contain gray. This should make it easy to get a consistent WB among all three. BTW, you can do something very similar in LR2/3 by using the Custom WB tool but I like the method above since I can identify the gray points more precisely.
Hope this helps.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I'm just learning all of this light stuff as well but wouldn't gelling the flash to match the ambient work in this case?
Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
I don't think it's the color balance between the different light sources. It's the overall color balance of the image. I took liberties with the first shot. Huge difference IMO and all I did was fix the color balance, nothing else. Hope you don't mind Rey:
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Comments and constructive criticism always welcome.
This one looks a little different because I think the original processing differs from the other shots. Maybe more contrast or it could be that the light source is further away.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
She's a cutie, Rey - looks like they had a ball!
No Diva, I didn't use that method. I did try but it turns out that the first image didn't really have any neutral gray points. That method relies solely on the image having a gray point.
I converted the image to CYMK and then applied a curve adjustment layer. I then sampled a spot on her forehead (CTRL+SHIFT+Click). Then I adjusted the Magenta and Cyan channel so it's relative value to Yellow is what you'd expect for a Caucasian person. I find that Magenta should be 85% and Cyan should be at 42% of the Yellow channel. This may sound complicated but it's not. You simply take the value for the yellow channel and multiply it by .85 and .42 to get your magenta and cyan values respectively.
For example... On the first shot, I sampled a spot on her forehead that was mainly midtones. The yellow channel was 47%. So I took 47 and multiplied it by .85 and I got 40. I set the magenta channel to 40%. I think it was like 46 originally. Then to adjust cyan, I again multiplied the yellow value, 47, by .42 and got 20. I set the cyan channel to 20; it was 45 before. This looked pretty good to me so I left it. I then did the same to the other two shots... keep in mind that the values of C, Y, and M will change depending on where you take your sample. However, the relative difference should remain the same.
Hope that makes sense.
BTW Rey... I absolutely love all three shots. Especially the first one.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Wow Alex!
Thanks for the tips.
I do have PS and I'll give latter method a shot to see how I do.
They look way better
Thank you Sir
Thanks Mike...this is my second time around so I do know what you mean about the teen years.....
I have heard of using gels for such purposes as well....
Alex did great on these....
Thanks Diva, they had a blast they did.....
Here is what I came up with though not as appealing as what Alex did:
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Just drop a point anywhere in the frame and make adjustments accordingly.
Just a raw image and screen capture to show the interface.
I've never thought of using it but now I think I'll be more apt to.
Thanks for your help, I'm still going to try the technique with PS as well.