Help! Red Spots
I need some advice please. Last evening I took some senior shots in low light conditions. I noticed multiple tiny red spots, many of them clusters, on the jpg photos, particularly when over 1000 ISO. I used noise reduction in LR3 but the red spots stayed. I am including a zoomed in photo to show the spots, primarily on the left side of her neck? What is the problem here?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Take notice of the bugle on her jacket. This gives me the impression that your focus is shallow. Noise is always more prominent in the shadows so when your focus is soft this will sometimes add to noise especially when using a filter. Question did you forget about a polarizing filter perhaps?
I don't know what body/lens combo you're using, but you either need to upgrade your hardware or start using flash (or just shoot under more beneficial lighting ).
FWIW the image looks very soft, almost OOF (can be a sign of a non-low-light body and a slow lens).
Nik beat me to it.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
I hope the softness is partly due to me cropping in a lot to show the red spots.
I would go with a flash if shooting in low light condition. IMO, I would probably use a different lens. I only use my f2.8 70-200mm to shoot daylight outdoor sports. I finally got tired, and fustrated the point where I would try to shoot indoor soccer with my 70-200mm lens at ISO 1600, and still not get my shutter speed fast enough to get a clean shot.
I use a Promaster 7500EDF on my Oly 510, which seems to do OK. Not plugging Promaster, but it was half the price of the Oly R50 Flash. By all means, I am not a pro at portrait photography, but I am passing knowledge that I have learned and expiermented with. Hope this helps.
I'm a bit puzzled unless the lighting was indeed very poor and you bumped the exposure considerably in post.....
Do you shoot RAW?
I'm going to rule out gear being the issue and say that your light was very poor....
7D + 70-200/2.8 (even non IS) is a very nice low light combo, I'm really surprised how bad this one turned out :-( I guess it was a really bad light. Stick to flash then. Even a built-in one wold help...
I'm looking at the portfolio and I see that most of the body of work is done with excellent lighting. I'm quite the opposite as I usually shoot low light events with ISO's of 2000 or higher and I've never encountered such noise even in the blacks. I know the 7D can nearly match the D700 in this category since my close friend owns one and we've done side by side comparisons...