
Software for Shop Window display

pszilardpszilard Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
edited November 29, 2010 in Mind Your Own Business
I am looking for a program that I can point to a folder full of JPGs and it will created a random slide show with animations AND multi images on screen. By this I mean like an animated collage.
The closest solution I got so far is using an Apple TV, and point it to a cloud storage (no support for SmugMug, but can use Apple's MobileMe Albums).
However, I would like a solution that is not web based, but stand alone.
As this place is frequented by PRO's, I was hoping some one can help. I've tried Google but can only find apps that show a single image at a time, e.g. Picasa.
Any ideas???
paul szilard
Gear: Nikon D4; lenses from 10.5mm to 500mm; Fuji X100s and X-PRO1 with 14,35,18-55 and 55-200mm


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    BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited November 28, 2010
    I don't do this for photography but for tradeshows at work and I think it might work for your needs.

    Why not just burn a video DVD of what you want that can be played on an inexpensive DVD player hooked up to a display - we also use Solid State Playback for some displays.

    This way you can have control over what images are shown with what images. If there is a problem with a power outage or the like it is much easier to recover from. No connectivity required and fairly cheap. The largest expense will be your time however using some tools such as iPhoto or Win Media Center might help speed up the process.

    Hope that helps.

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    pszilardpszilard Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
    edited November 28, 2010
    Brad, - thanks for your response. Unfortunately this doesn't address my primary requirements:

    1) I would like more than one image on screen at any one time. Between 2 and 4 would be nice.

    2) The effects and the photos should be randomized and animated

    3) I don't want to have to manually create a movie with manual setting of movements. I want to just say use folder \photos or similar.

    The actual storage of the photos can be on the hard drive, DVD or USB flash, but not on the internet.

    This kind of presentation is what is used in shop windows with LCD panels, or at trade shows, so I am puzzled why I can't find a tool via Google. I don't mind buying a hardware solution either. E.g. I am evaluating the Apple TV device, however it doesn't have USB connectivity for storage and won't talk to a Windows or Linux PC (as far as I can determine).

    Any other suggestions?
    paul szilard
    Gear: Nikon D4; lenses from 10.5mm to 500mm; Fuji X100s and X-PRO1 with 14,35,18-55 and 55-200mm
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    GlortGlort Registered Users Posts: 1,015 Major grins
    edited November 29, 2010
    Why not just use the screen saver in Windoze?

    it won't do the 4 pics at once or random transistions but it will do the other things you want.
    To get the multi images and random transitions, youd have to use one of the presentation prograpms but they too would require a compromise of having to be set up.
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    pszilardpszilard Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
    edited November 29, 2010
    That's a really cool idea! I'll also check out Ubuntu's screen savers too. Might Google for some funky add-ons as well.

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    paul szilard
    Gear: Nikon D4; lenses from 10.5mm to 500mm; Fuji X100s and X-PRO1 with 14,35,18-55 and 55-200mm
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