Have no idea what it is, excellent exposure and detail. He looks
back lit, how'd you accomplish that? Nice effect.
Thanks for sharing.
I noticed the sun glinting on him when the wind blew. I just had to wait and time it correctly. With my little nikon coolpix I had to move in really close...got the creeps a few times! He grew tired after a while and hastily bolted for the shrubs. I think I'll stay away from that part of the yard for a while and let him have his turn.
back lit, how'd you accomplish that? Nice effect.
Thanks for sharing.
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Now, if it were a black widow...'nother story.
Well I would just say "Big and Ugly/Scary" now that may not be the right name, but a "Rose by any other name"
Nice shot and well done, Is he dead yet??
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