#64 More Versions--Please Help!

I created several more versions of my "Wreaths for Vets" collage, but I cannot decide which one I like the best or if any of them are any good at all. Would you please help me?
I'll post the first two version again that were in my first thread.






I 'think' I'm sort of favoring one of the last two, but I just can't decide. Thanks for your help & any comments and/or constructive criticism you care to offer.
I'll post the first two version again that were in my first thread.







I 'think' I'm sort of favoring one of the last two, but I just can't decide. Thanks for your help & any comments and/or constructive criticism you care to offer.
Visit my galleries at: http://psphotos.smugmug.com/ and/or http://pollettsquaredphotography.smugmug.com
- Diana
I thought of flipping one of the people images so that it was facing the other direction, but realized the names on the headstones would be backwards. I had a number of shots with people facing the other direction, but I was a ditz & took the pictures portrait mode. I guess I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot I needed to stay landscape for this challenge. I tried various crops, but I wasn't able to get a pleasing composition out of those other images. Grrrr.
As usual, I think I had a pretty good idea but I wasn't quite able to pull it off the way I wanted to. Another 'almost but not quite' attempt. I am a bit disappointed in myself over this one. :cry
Thanks for the feedback. I REALLY appreciate it.
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .