The Sad Demise Of An Old Friend
Nothing last forever. You know that as a truth but, when some things go, it still comes as a shock.
I never knew his real name. Many years ago, I took to calling him " Sticks ".....the name drawn from the long poles the Old Man has used to shore him up when he started getting a little weak in the knees. He was a proud old fellow. Long were the days and nights he had served the Old Man well....braving wind, rain, snow,and, on one memorable occasion, a berserk cow.
I had passed Sticks more times than I can remember over the years....going to and from my own place right down the road. I hadn't been around much as of late as I'm developing a new homestead in a new location. It was with more than a little sorrow that I discovered, when cruising the old neighborhood, that Sticks had finally cashed in his chips.
The Old Man told me it made one hell of a noise. He looked over from his porch and saw the entire back roof had just collapsed. Sticks is a goner now....never to see service again. The Old Man was trying to hide his real feelings but I could clearly see how upset he was at Stick's passing. Kind of got to me too.

I never knew his real name. Many years ago, I took to calling him " Sticks ".....the name drawn from the long poles the Old Man has used to shore him up when he started getting a little weak in the knees. He was a proud old fellow. Long were the days and nights he had served the Old Man well....braving wind, rain, snow,and, on one memorable occasion, a berserk cow.
I had passed Sticks more times than I can remember over the years....going to and from my own place right down the road. I hadn't been around much as of late as I'm developing a new homestead in a new location. It was with more than a little sorrow that I discovered, when cruising the old neighborhood, that Sticks had finally cashed in his chips.
The Old Man told me it made one hell of a noise. He looked over from his porch and saw the entire back roof had just collapsed. Sticks is a goner now....never to see service again. The Old Man was trying to hide his real feelings but I could clearly see how upset he was at Stick's passing. Kind of got to me too.

I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
It is sad to see old landmarks and things that we hold dear and familiar
either wither away or as "old Stick" simply succumb to the elements and
Father Time.
Really like all the details and true colors and hues.
Old Stick won't be forgotten, you'll always remember, and now
so will we.
Burleson, Texas
It's sort of funny how inanimate objects, bred out of familiarity, tend to take on a personality. I thought of Sticks as a friend....always there, always saying " hi " as I went by. Darlene used to say I was crazy but she just never understood " barn " talk between two old partners.
Take care,
Nice pics, Tom. I love old barns.
Link to my Smugmug site
There's one building I've photographed and stopped at many times to take a breather or just gather my thoughts. It's now been removed either after falling down or a farmer bulldozing it down. Sad now to go by an empty spot that once was alive and serving a purpose for so many years.
I agree with Craig -- we will remember Sticks now that's you've shared him with us. Every time I pass an old building I'll think of Sticks and give the old building a name
Goodbye Sticks ----
Me and you, brother. Old barns fascinate me. I can't help but wonder about the stories they could tell.
Take care,
There's another old barn up in the mountains that I've given a name to. It has to be a girl barn so I've named her Matty Lou. I know she's a girl beacuse she's stuffed to the gills with little chicks....or at least that's what I call them. In reality, her chicks are big rolls of wheat, all bundled up to feed the cattle. For some reason, the farmers never get around to using these particular rolls....they stay there, year after year. I know Matty Lou would like to send these chicks on their way ( gotta be tired of them ) but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
Happy hoildays,
You named a barn a girls name too
Never heard of bales called 'chicks' before, but heard them called other unmentionable things
Sometimes we think farmers don't move certain bales, but the do. They'll move some out to feed and others replace them. Kinda sneaky -- those farmers are
Happy Holidays to you too --
Any photos to share of Matty Lou?
When I look through the window on the left, I can see nothing but bales....from front to back and clear to the ceiling. Those bales at the front are pretty new. Some at the back look like they've been there a long, long time.
Isn't Matty Lou a pretty sight? Good thing ole Sticks never wandered over her way.
She certainly is a beauty ... Ol' Sticks would of surely found her if he could of
Sometimes I wonder if farmers leave old bales exposed for deer and such during the winter.
I'll pass along your well wishes and kind remarks to Matty Lou. I'm sure she'll be pleased.
Take care,