
do any of you volunteer at your local animal shelter?

GerryDavidGerryDavid Registered Users Posts: 439 Major grins
edited November 30, 2010 in Mind Your Own Business
I was thinking of volunteering my time and services for the local animal shelter. I was just wondering what is usually involved for a photographer. And I'm guessing you do not do a regular pet portrait setup for the animal pictures you take for them, other than maybe proper lighting, but no background sets.


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    goldenstarphotogoldenstarphoto Registered Users Posts: 252 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2010
    I have been considering doing this myself so I am interested if you get any responses..... Another avenue my wife and I use is to volunteer for non-profit dog rescues. We go to their events and volunteer our time taking photos and selling them on our site and then give back a percentage to the rescue. It has also generated a lot of other leads.....we are already booked for 4 events for next year. It doesn't make us rich, but it helps the rescues and it's free publicity.
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    GerryDavidGerryDavid Registered Users Posts: 439 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2010
    check out this weeks ppa magazine, the person in it moved to a new area, got involved with a shelter, did free work, hosted a party to meet important people that are involved with the pet shelter and got a bunch of great family portrait sessions from it, and thats just what my wife told me, I havent had time to read the magazine myself. :)
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