Seward Highway Goats

PrezwoodzPrezwoodz Registered Users Posts: 1,147 Major grins
edited December 20, 2010 in Journeys
John and I decided to make it mandatory to do weekly photoshoots to better ourselves and really make sure that we are taking pictures! So I think I'll be posting the ones that I enjoy! Oh and they are goats to some who forget they are sheep heh. If you came for a goat...well you missed it.

Here is where it starts...

We took a drive down the Seward Highway and wandered through the snow finding different things to take photos of, mainly anything that sparked our interest. We soon found life...

and water...

Somethings looked dangerous.

Even when dying...

Some are holding up well even under a load


We then followed some tracks and snuck up on some critters!

They just seemed to get better and better for pictures

And then when I thought he was going to run and I was going to miss the photo he stopped.

And looked right at me!

And from only 25-30ft away possibly even less I got the shot I wanted!

Then he looked away incase I missed it the first time.

Then decided to take off. We tracked for a while but saw them heading high into the mountains...

Beautiful! I was really excited and look forward to next week!


  • coldclimbcoldclimb Registered Users Posts: 1,169 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2010
    At the risk of offending my friend, I feel I must salvage my own reputation and state that I do not stand with Kelsey in calling these sheep goats! :D

    And moving on, in the interest of restoring the good old days of dual-input journey threads, here's MY story!

    Lately we've been pushing hard to make a successful business, and truly the work is paying off, but when I looked at my own website the other day, I hadn't uploaded an album from an adventure of any sort in almost two full months. Clearly something was wrong! So Kelsey and I agreed we need to make an effort to get out and enjoy life as well as work hard to make a good business.

    The first order of business was to decide what to shoot, and since we were universally lacking in inspiration for the "nine" challenge, we decided to just go for a walk in the woods and see what came of it.

    First off we ran across a hungry squirrel.

    We quickly made friends, and hung around for a remarkably long time while the little critter worked out its jaws and stretched its arms.

    Mmmm... just looking at it makes me wish I had a big mouthful of spruce needles!

    A few minutes later we stopped briefly while Kelsey took a business call. You know you have the right job when your office looks like this!

    Kelsey and his Manfrotto (ask him how he got that) stand overlooking the Turnagain Arm.

    Wandering aimlessly through the snow, we shot whatever we felt like and generally just enjoyed our break from all that desk work! Those of you not from the Pacific Northwest probably have the pleasure of being unfamiliar with the Devil's Club patches that cover a significantly large portion of our forests. Significant perhaps less for their size as for their meanness! This one is over Kelsey's head.

    As the day wore on, our low winter sun gave us some great light peeking over a mountain across the arm, so we wandered among the birches to find some gold and shadow.

    Unfortunately for ME, Kelsey and I split when we hit the sheep tracks to cover more ground and find them, and he chose the right direction. As for me, I went out of sight and missed his encounter with our four-footed friends, only catching a distant shot as they moved nonchalantly straight up the mountain hundreds of yards away. Oh well, Kelsey made up for my misses. :D

    On the way back to the car, crawling along rabbit trails and sliding down icy hillsides, I passed this giant spruce with gnarled roots wrapped around solid rock, so I'll leave you with this shot to wrap up my story. Hope you enjoyed!
    John Borland
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,959 moderator
    edited November 30, 2010
    That 'goat' is pretty big (and old) lol3.gif

    I learned the other day that to hunt them legally, they must be eight years which usually means at least one full turn on the horns or 8 years of growth rings (kinda like a tree I guess?). They're magnificent animals for sure and I've only seen them in two places. Colorado and Alaska--and from far away.

    Looking forward to more of your photo safaris!
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • choudhrysaabchoudhrysaab Registered Users Posts: 249 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2010
    I think the Goat didn't like it's picture taken - specially since there was no form filled cuz its looking at you with those crazy eyes :-p

    Great shots though!
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