APIKey question
If I wanted to make a Smugmug javascript site customization public (so others can use it) and that customization needs to use an APIKey in order to query the Smugmug api, what is the recommended option:
- Don't release my own APIKey. Make anyone who wants to use the customization on their site get their own APIKey and edit it into the script - this would be a big obstacle to copy/paste customizers (e.g. non-programmers) being able to use the customization.
- Release my own APIKey with the script.
- Ask Smugmug for a new APIKey that could be released just for the purposes of this script and is different than the one that is associated with my Smugmug account.
- Use the undocumented /rpc/gallery.mg apis that don't require an APIKey to get the info I need.
- Some other option I haven't thought of.
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As above.
You can request additional APIKeys associated with your account using the normal API Key request form, but we have no way to issue API keys that aren't associated with an account.
From experience this method is a nightmare, are rpc calls are subject to change without notice.
John, any chance you could email me the code to take a look at ?
SmugMug API Developer
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Sounds like I should request a second APIKey that is devoted just to publicly released customizations. I didn't know I could do that. Thanks for the info.
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