getTree only returns public albums
I noticed this around two weeks ago or so: the getTree method I was always using to get all the albums on my account doesn't return any of my private albums anymore.
Here's the actual call I'm doing:<my_sessionid>&Heavy=1&NickName=<my_nickname>&
And if I got it right, you did some changes to the logon procedure recently, so just in case here's the logon call I'm doing right before the getTree:<my_APIkey>&EmailAddress=<my_nickname>&Password=<my_password>&
So, my question would be: is this a bug or a feature (due to API changes) and how can I make it work as before?
Best Regards,
I noticed this around two weeks ago or so: the getTree method I was always using to get all the albums on my account doesn't return any of my private albums anymore.
Here's the actual call I'm doing:<my_sessionid>&Heavy=1&NickName=<my_nickname>&
And if I got it right, you did some changes to the logon procedure recently, so just in case here's the logon call I'm doing right before the getTree:<my_APIkey>&EmailAddress=<my_nickname>&Password=<my_password>&
So, my question would be: is this a bug or a feature (due to API changes) and how can I make it work as before?
Best Regards,
What's your SmugMug nickname so that I can take a look ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
did you get a chance to see whats wrong? Do I need one of those new APIKeys to make it work again?
I have a similar problem with smugmug.albums.get - it only returns my public albums, not the ones that are unlisted.
I can give more details if needed.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
The problem now is that some of the functions are working (I can get albums, get themes, get categories, are some of the ones that are working; and get albums returns the albums that are unlisted as well, so it works properly now), but I can't create anything or delete anything. And I'm a bit stuck cause I've done the same changes to all the functions. Have you seen this problem before?
what error are you receiving ? Have you tried making the calls manually via browser ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
And I got this:
"stat": "fail",
"method": "smugmug.albums.create",
"code": 3,
"message": "invalid session"
make sure you call login first, then it should work correctly
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I send the _su cookie with every call, but I've noticed that users.getTree and getAlbums only retrieve the unlisted albums for a very small number of these calls. For the rest of them, I only get the public albums.
I get an error when I try to log out ("code":3,"message":"invalid session"}).
And I still can't create albums. I get the invalid session error.
For now I'm doing the log in over https and everything else over http and it works.