My SmugMug Site Files - Do Not Delete??
Hello -
I just discovered a new gallery in my SmugMug site, it was updated:
Thank you.
I just discovered a new gallery in my SmugMug site, it was updated:
Nov. 05, 2010. 12:56 pm
It is titled:
My SmugMug Site Files (Do Not Delete)
The following appears in the caption of one of my own photos:
DO NOT DELETE. This gallery was created for you by SmugMug. Please do not delete it, it contains important site files. Don't worry, your admirers will never see it, unless you show it to them.
Will someone, please, tell me if this is something truly from SmugMug, or has my site been hacked? None of the security settings are like any of my other galleries, I did not create it and nobody has access to my SmugMug account. I'm worried, too, since there was no News, or warning from SmugMug that they would be doing something like this.Thank you.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at