
Using a blog as your web page

Photog4ChristPhotog4Christ Registered Users Posts: 716 Major grins
edited December 2, 2010 in Mind Your Own Business
I am working on a project and am considering just using a WordPress Blog as my web page. Can anyone please provide some examples of web pages that are run strictly from a blog (verses having a dedicated website and a separate blog).

Thank you :D


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    angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited December 1, 2010

    There are help threads in the Pro Support forum if you have a SM pro site.

    Otherwise, what kind of blog/web page are you looking for? In other words, what does the blog have to do?

    I have a Pro SM acct. and use it, but not so much anymore as my primary. I mostly link to it from my WordPress blogs.

    I like WP blogs. There are themes galore that are free, and plenty that are cheap too. And many that are highly specialized and easily customizable.

    You mention a Web-page run from a blog?? really what is it you need the blog to do?

    tom wise
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    ilbcnuilbcnu Registered Users Posts: 311 Major grins
    edited December 1, 2010
    Not sure if this is what you mean but look at http://www.jessicaclaire.net/
    It is never to late to become what you might have been.
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    Photog4ChristPhotog4Christ Registered Users Posts: 716 Major grins
    edited December 2, 2010
    Thom :D

    I don't wish to use SmugMug for this project.

    I already have a SmugMug Pro account. SmugMug is a great service. I just don't feel that it would be a good fit for this project. (I'm intentionally not giving out specific details for now).

    I was just wondering if perhaps instead of creating both a web page and a blog, that I could just have the blog be the main web page. The example given by Amanda (Jessica Claire) demonstrated to me that if I do go about doing it this way that I would need to use frames. As soon as you scroll down to read the rest of Jessica's blog the navigation scrolls off the page.

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    r3t1awr3ydr3t1awr3yd Registered Users Posts: 1,000 Major grins
    edited December 2, 2010
    Mine is only a blog but it's not where I want it right now. I've already got ideas in the works for how to make it work like I'd like.

    You don't need frames WordPress has a lot of nifty options to make a web page out of a blog possible.

    There are also wordpress themes that make "floating" menus possible.

    Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
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    Photog4ChristPhotog4Christ Registered Users Posts: 716 Major grins
    edited December 2, 2010
    I just Googled: using wordpress as a website not a blog

    and got some good results, including this one.

    I forgot that you can set WordPress so that you can have a static page as the default page.

    I'm going to continue to look into different options.

    Thank you :D
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