Using a blog as your web page

I am working on a project and am considering just using a WordPress Blog as my web page. Can anyone please provide some examples of web pages that are run strictly from a blog (verses having a dedicated website and a separate blog).
Thank you
Thank you

Neal Jacob
Neal Jacob
There are help threads in the Pro Support forum if you have a SM pro site.
Otherwise, what kind of blog/web page are you looking for? In other words, what does the blog have to do?
I have a Pro SM acct. and use it, but not so much anymore as my primary. I mostly link to it from my WordPress blogs.
I like WP blogs. There are themes galore that are free, and plenty that are cheap too. And many that are highly specialized and easily customizable.
You mention a Web-page run from a blog?? really what is it you need the blog to do?
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
I don't wish to use SmugMug for this project.
I already have a SmugMug Pro account. SmugMug is a great service. I just don't feel that it would be a good fit for this project. (I'm intentionally not giving out specific details for now).
I was just wondering if perhaps instead of creating both a web page and a blog, that I could just have the blog be the main web page. The example given by Amanda (Jessica Claire) demonstrated to me that if I do go about doing it this way that I would need to use frames. As soon as you scroll down to read the rest of Jessica's blog the navigation scrolls off the page.
Neal Jacob
You don't need frames WordPress has a lot of nifty options to make a web page out of a blog possible.
There are also wordpress themes that make "floating" menus possible.
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
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and got some good results, including this one.
I forgot that you can set WordPress so that you can have a static page as the default page.
I'm going to continue to look into different options.
Thank you
Neal Jacob