Flash security setting for SmugMug sites?

Are there any restrictions placed on embedded flash objects on SmugMug pages that would prevent urls in a flash object from working?
The reason I ask is that I have a flash map embedded on my SmugMug About page at:
When the code for the map is run outside of SmugMug, you can click on the markers and they will launch the specified photo galleries.
See http://www.bryanbrazil.net/ammap/test.html
When the map is embedded in SmugMug, however, the links no longer work.
Hopefully someone can help me figure this one out...thanks!
-Bryan Brazil
The reason I ask is that I have a flash map embedded on my SmugMug About page at:
When the code for the map is run outside of SmugMug, you can click on the markers and they will launch the specified photo galleries.
See http://www.bryanbrazil.net/ammap/test.html
When the map is embedded in SmugMug, however, the links no longer work.
Hopefully someone can help me figure this one out...thanks!
-Bryan Brazil
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I just replaced "bryanbrazil.smugmug.com" in the links to my galleries with "api.smugmug.com". Is this how it's supposed to work?
Thanks for your help! I'm guessing this will probably never work, but I'd like to try.
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There's an .swf map on my About page with points-of-interest on it. The POIs have URLs to my corresponding SmugMug galleries. When you click on a POI, it should load that gallery in the browser. You can check out the map, although the links don't work, at:
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Both the .swf and .xml files are on the same server, I'm just loading the .swf from my SmugMug page. I tried placing a crossdomain.xml file on the server with the map files, but no luck.
I heard back from amMap and it sounds like there's no way to get links to work when loading the map from an external server using the current map implementation.
Thanks for all your help on this!
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Yeah, that is the way that amMap does any kind of links, even to standard html pages. The "movie", so to speak, is a black circle on the map that points to a SmugMug gallery.