#feeds div missing on photo search results

I have turned off display of feeds via
#feeds {display: none;}
However, feeds information continues to be displayed on photo search results.
example here: http://www.blotter.info/search/index.mg?searchWords=greg&searchType=UserImage&NickName=Blotter&SortBy=Recent
The #feeds div appears to be missing in the SmugMug generated code.
I'm filing this as a bug.
While you are working on this code, can you also provide a div around the "Sort by: Popular • Recent" so that I can hide that as well.
#feeds {display: none;}
However, feeds information continues to be displayed on photo search results.
example here: http://www.blotter.info/search/index.mg?searchWords=greg&searchType=UserImage&NickName=Blotter&SortBy=Recent
The #feeds div appears to be missing in the SmugMug generated code.
I'm filing this as a bug.
While you are working on this code, can you also provide a div around the "Sort by: Popular • Recent" so that I can hide that as well.
Ahh you must be referring to the RSS and ATOM links up near the "Photos Matching..." header. Correct?
Looks like we'll have to wrap these elements in another container so that you can hide them.
Thanks for pointing this out!
Thanks much.