#65 FOFOFO choice

Have been sitting out of the challenges for the last little bit secondary to a combination of travel, schedule, and agonizingly slow satellite bandwith, but cannot resist participating in this one. I have been quite fortunate to be in a place where frozen climes tend to predominate, and this challenge offers me the additional chance of showcasing a region that I have grown to love. However, the opportunity also brings with it a dilemma: which one is most fitting of the theme, the strongest photographically? Critiques, opinions, preferences etc... are welcome.
1. Maintaining the communication stream

2. When the River Freezes Over
3. Spanning the frozen waterways
4. Arctic Night

5. Infrastructure Challenge
1. Maintaining the communication stream

2. When the River Freezes Over
3. Spanning the frozen waterways
4. Arctic Night

5. Infrastructure Challenge

"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Very Nice!
Though love the colours and flow of the bridge in #3.
I will say (and I normally don't give two hoots about whether or not someone uses a watermark--I have a good imagination and can usually see right through it) that I do wish to see #2 with a smaller watermark, just so that the foreground remains as still and empty as it should be...
I felt the same about #4... I love that one... but I keep trying to see what is under that huge watermark.
My SmugMug
I like all of the others, too.
I think I might like #5 better from a lower perspective, but it might not work as well.
Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain