word about Smugmug getting around

While at a new bank the other day I was lured into the big step of opening a business account. The personal banker had lot's of questions in order to determine what services I would benefit from. Concerning retail he asked about credit card payments etc, what fees I paid. I don't really sell prints but I told him I use Smugmug and it's providing what I need at the moment, and I explained a bit about it.
When I was about to leave a teller stopped me with a question... his wife , a budding photographer, was considering opening a Smugmug account, would I recommend it? Ha! Of course! I won't embarrass the pros behind the scenes,
Smugmuggers, and all the people on this forum but I did do a bit of gushing. I am pretty sure he went straight home and said Go For It !!
OH shoot!!!! I just now thought about the discount thingy :bash.... maybe I need to go back in case she didn't sign up yet!!!
When I was about to leave a teller stopped me with a question... his wife , a budding photographer, was considering opening a Smugmug account, would I recommend it? Ha! Of course! I won't embarrass the pros behind the scenes,
Smugmuggers, and all the people on this forum but I did do a bit of gushing. I am pretty sure he went straight home and said Go For It !!
OH shoot!!!! I just now thought about the discount thingy :bash.... maybe I need to go back in case she didn't sign up yet!!!
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