Adding comment fails with invalid data (AlbumKey)
I dont get it.
I've been trying to implement comment posting, but every time i do, it comes back invalid data (AlbumKey).
I'm passing in the key for the album. Is there something special I'm missing here? Anyone else run into this?
I've been trying to implement comment posting, but every time i do, it comes back invalid data (AlbumKey).
I'm passing in the key for the album. Is there something special I'm missing here? Anyone else run into this?
Dear Sir,
The "smugmug.albums.comments.add" API is not working, I always get error 16(invalid data) even all the parameters are past in correctly.
It would be great if this would get fixed!
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
DOH! Just sent my next version of smugseven off to cert!
Seriously though, thanks for handling it