iPhone Apps to view Smugmug
Are there any iPhone apps to allow iPhone owners to view their galleries?
I've come across Blossom but there is a thread about the developer not answering emails etc.
SmugWallet but I undertand the entire galleries will be saved to the iphone.
Anything from Smugmug?
Are there any iPhone apps to allow iPhone owners to view their galleries?
I've come across Blossom but there is a thread about the developer not answering emails etc.
SmugWallet but I undertand the entire galleries will be saved to the iphone.
Anything from Smugmug?
I use SmugWallet myself. Never really had any issues, except for when I tried to get videos from a passworded gallery... I removed the password, downloaded, and added the PW back.
In the App Store: http://itunes.com/apps/WidePhotoViewer
It's free, with a 99 cent in-app upgrade for advanced features like editing of photo titles.
You might be right its best app to view SmugMug on iPhone/iPad but there are still few features that I miss alot.
-able to cache Category/Gallery ( passworded and smart galleries) for offline viewing.
-able to hide flickr and other services I'm not interested in.
-able to send picture/link to a picture via email.
Also please shorten the name of the app. Even on iPad I cant see full name.
Anyway, much better than sorry app that SmugMug put out. Official SmugMug iPad app is sorriest app I've had to deal with on iOS devices ever since I got my first iPhone in 2007.
Your viewer and grid view is great I must say. It just feels slow since everytime I re-enter gallery or view a picture it has to re-download it all over again. Caching would be god send.
Canon Powershot G6
iMac 27" | 2.93Ghz Quad-Core Intel i7 | 16GB 1333 DDR3 | SL 10.6.5
iPhone 4 | 16GB | iOS 4.2.1
iPad | 16GB | iOS 4.2.1
...and a plethora of other computers and OSs
Some of what you suggest has been done:
Shorter app name on desktop
Pasworded galleries now handled
Downloading of galleries for offline viewing
Sending link to gallery via email
Still working on the others... ;-)
(Also in the newest version: Dropbox, FTP, selections that can be emailed, Lightroom plugin to process selections)
Hello Marc,
Unfortunately there seems to be a bug ( kinda showstoper ) where I cannot even login on iPhone 3G. When i click on SmugMug login, I get a pop-up where I should enter my email and password. Unfortunately keyboard hides password part of the pop-up window and no way to get to it. I tried it on 2 iPhone 3Gs.
Have yet to try it on iPad. Will update the post.
Edit -> Had a go at it on iPad and it does work, pop up with credentials is accessible. I've upgraded to Premium version but I still find some features too bothersome to use. Especially downloading. I hope you can incorporate 'sync' so user does not have to go to every gallery , mark it to download picture(s) EVERY TIME there is new picture(s) uploaded.
My girlfriend nor my kids know which gallery I upload pictures, it would be nice if app upon launch would sync all/selected galleries.
There is a couple apps for picasa that do this very well, unfortunatelly SmugMugs official app is such a lackluster app that I'm actually thinking of switching to picasa..
I'll check into the password-entry problem. In my tests, the popup moves up out of the way, and I haven't heard of this problem before. Meanwhile, you can tap Return on the keyboard to dismiss it.
Auto-syncing is something I considered, but didn't implement yet. It's on my list. I wasn't sure how important downloading would be... apparently, more important than I thought.
Thanks for the feedback!
I don't see a free app. Only one that is $4.99. Am I looking in the right place?
Never mind. I just bought it and the help says the free app is no longer available. It is a great app. Well worth the $4.99. There seems to be one major omission however: You can't zoom in on photos (or at least I can't figure out how).
App store link - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ismug...524897454?mt=8
iSmug website - http://www.vanesoftware.com/ismug/
uSmug, for grandma!
We hired a photographer for some family shots, and reviewing them in regular SmugMug styles (SmugMug, Thumbnails, Slideshow, Journal) were not all that pleasant on the iPad. Not awful, just not the best experience. (No swiping, etc.)
I vaguely recall that SmugMug made a big deal about their mobile style that is specifically designed for the iPhone UI. Has there been consideration about tweaking it to work on the iPad?
iSmug allows you to view public galleries of your SmugMug friends and family.
For password protected galleries you can only view your own.
Let me know if that doesn't answer your question. Thanks!
uSmug, for grandma!
Hi Steven -- thanks for your quick response.
It'd be awesome if you added support for password-protected galleries (and sites) of others. It's supported by the API:
(Password for Album Password, SitePassword for Site-Wide Password.)
Thanks for the consideration!
I brought this up [link="http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=176087"]once before[/link] and acceded that in the context of Downloader-type apps, right-click protection doesn't make much sense. But in the context of a viewing app, such as yours, I think that disabling Save for galleries with right-click protection turned on would be keeping in spirit with the intent of the setting.
When it comes to your own galleries, you can always Save to Camera Roll.
As it pertains to viewing friends and family galleries, I'll have to verify. That's a good question.
uSmug, for grandma!
Wait what? Thanks!! Ok, let me earn my promo code.
Here's some immediate feedback:
- What's with the Loading
- Is there any way to programmatically determine if a Friend or Family is using Category view for their home page? If so, please show those Categories, otherwise you end up with "All Albums On One Page" Syndrome. Hrm, I'll ask if that's in the API... Or maybe because "All Albums On One Page" is one of the worst organizational layouts ever invented (j/k, sorry guys), you should always default to showing Categories for Friends' galleries. I mean, you don't make people see "All On One Page" for their own albums. Why make them see that for their friends?
- Friends and Family? People actually use that feature?! Please let us enter in the URL (or SmugMug ID) of a SmugMug site to browse. If I find a photographer I like and it turns out s/he uses SmugMug, I want to be able to view the images on my iPad, but not necessarily befriend them. No offense, photographers that I'm fans of, but this isn't Facebook.
- Passwords! Please support site passwords and album passwords. So I went and added our photographer and my son's preschool as "friends", but since our family album is password-protected as is the pre-school site, I can't see the photos. But it would be so awesome if I could. I mean, I have the passwords and there is an API for this!
Whew, that's probably enough for now. Are you regretting giving me a promo code now? :-}
Uhmmm.. yes.
Haha just kidding. Thanks for the feedback!
1. Caching images: YES. We got gun-shy about caching images because they're so big (trying to be good citizens in the mobile app world). There are obvious ways to implement this right, so we'll get around to it. Just got cut off on time while hemming and hawing.
2. Friends: This section will definitely get some polish, including every thing you mentioned. Just a matter of time and prioritization..
So... uhm.. got anything you like about the app?..
uSmug, for grandma!
DOH! Sorry. I'm a wannabe QA tester (I've never done it professionally, but the concepts have been hammered into my by my friends in QA).
For the view of my photos it was great. Categories moved smoothly and as expected, as did images within galleries. I like the "stacks" of photos. Being able to see camera info and Google Maps is cool (and a nice differentiator from the official SmugMug app, which oof, I forgot could add other accounts without the Friends requirement, and uh-oh, supports passwords.). It'd be nice to have that Camera/GPS Info pop-up dialogue persist (stay floating there until dismissed) as I swipe between photos, if possible.
What else do you think sets you apart from the official app?
I'll be providing news of any updates on dgrin. Keep an eye out for it!
uSmug, for grandma!
Oh no! I really did feel bad since you sent me the free code and everything. I thought developers *liked* bug reports! :-}
But my wife often has to remind me that I'm overly negative, and she's right. Your app is solid, and I look forward to seeing it grow. If you were to add management functionality, that would be a huge win. If you take a look at Phanfare's iPad app you'll see what I mean. It's ridiculously good for things like hiding/deleting/captioning/moving photos around. If you had an app like that... dang, I'd pay for it for real.
I've been using SmugWallet for quite some time. Great app, in my opinion. Can anyone here articulate the differences between iSmug and SmugWallet? They look very similar.
Thanks in advance.
Dusty Dog Digital
iSmug is geared toward viewing your entire gallery online, rather than the sync/download then view approach that SmugWallet takes. For SmugMug users who have tens of thousands of photos, it's obviously not optimal to download them locally to your iPhone or iPod. That's the opportunity we saw with the many wonderful SmugMug apps out there.
I hope that answers your question.
uSmug, for grandma!
Dusty Dog Digital
uSmug, for grandma!
Dusty Dog Digital
And thanks so much for your encouraging words about iSmug. If you'd be willing, please do leave feedback on the App Store! A few people have left comments complaining of slowness, when in fact there are few things we can do to make up for a slow internet connection.
Please let us know either here or by email (support@vanesoftware.com) if you have any questions or issues. Thanks!
uSmug, for grandma!