LR3 Lens Profiles - Good Source for profiles not included out of the box?
I have the Tokina 11-16mm for Canon and am using LR3. This lens is not one of the featured ones in the drop down menu. I also use a Canon S90 P&S frequently as well and I understand it should be corrected for best results. Is there a good resource for acquiring settings for lenses not included in the LR3 out of the box? It seems like there must be a great resource / website/ plug in out there, but I cannot seem to find it. Most posts I find on the web date back to LR2. Thanks.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
So I have downloaded this, but it does not appear to have third party lenses of any kind. Drop down menus prompt you for your camera model, and then show you a list of lenses manufactured by that company, Canon in my case. I was hoping someone would have developed on for the Tokina 11-16mm.
You know you can roll your own. There’s software (free) from Adobe Labs, targets you print that allow you to make your own. Not that its easy. Otherwise you’ll have to wait on someone else. Note, you can STILL manually apply lens correction in the dialog. The profile does this for you automatically but without, you can still yank on sliders to correct.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
So to wait for "someone else" I would wait exactly where? Many people use Sigma, Tamron, Tokina, etc and someone smarter than me must be thinking about this, but where would they post the correction, if the Adobe "downloader" service does not promote other company's lenses?
The idea is someone would build it and upload it for the Adobe utility I mentioned to download to you.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
Yes, I understand that. What I am wondering is why I don't see even one entry for a single Sigma, Tamron, Tokina, or other lens aside from the actual camera manufacturer (Canon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic, etc) Given the way the tool you pointed out is structured, I can't find where, if anywhere, one would look for a Tamron profile, or for a Sigma, or for a Tokina profile. Sorry if I am being unclear.
Specifically I have ones for the Sigma 150-500, the Tamron 200-500, and the Tamron 28-300, and the Tamron 28-75. Those are ones that I have used, there are more.
I looked at the software from Adobe to create a profile, and it seemed like quite a bit of work. I will just stick with the manual sliders for correction of chromatic aberration and wait for Adobe, or Tamron, Sigma to do the heavy lifting.
I do wish there were some profiles for the Micro4/3s lenses from Lumix/Panasonic though.
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