Geminids Meteor Shower 2010

Anybody see the Geminids meteor shower on Monday night? I watched in them Death Valley from midnight to 2:00 AM with fellow Dgrin member, David "Shutter" Ryan. The meteors were plentiful and it was an impressive show. We saw at least a hundred of them and I managed to capture 23 of them with my camera. However, even though they looked great in person, most of them came out pretty faint in the camera. Here are the two best shots. The first two are crops. ISO3200, F2.8, 30s exposures, 16mm, on full-frame sensor.

Here's an uncropped version of the second one.

I'm assuming the big bright blobs are planets and galaxies. All in all, it was a bit disappointing from a photographic standpoint. Some day I hope to get a really big fireball meteor, so I intend to keep trying.
Thanks for looking, and feel free to add your own shots if you've got them.

Here's an uncropped version of the second one.

I'm assuming the big bright blobs are planets and galaxies. All in all, it was a bit disappointing from a photographic standpoint. Some day I hope to get a really big fireball meteor, so I intend to keep trying.
Thanks for looking, and feel free to add your own shots if you've got them.
Franklin, NC
What was the weather like in DV, and let's see some more shots (please)
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Nicely done Joel. DV has to be one of the better areas in the Southern US for night work and you took full advantage of the opportunity. Very clean and detailed images.
Now go process the rest of them and post them up.
Thanks, Brad. DV is awesome in every way, except for one. Too many pictures to process. :bash
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