Stolen Computer

My computer was stolen last week and the only photos we have left are on SmugMug. I have tried to recover these photos back to my new computer. Is this possible. Or is that what the Vault (which I do not have, unfortunately) is for? I have a few photos that I would like to use in a school yearbook and they must be hi-res. I am just up the proverbial creek or is there hope??
P.S. Believe me, I am looking into the Vault. Back up your shots people!! Your computer will crash (or get stolen).
I had my entire catalog backed up on an external hard drive. The thief took that too. Off site back up is best!!!!!!
P.S. Believe me, I am looking into the Vault. Back up your shots people!! Your computer will crash (or get stolen).

I had my entire catalog backed up on an external hard drive. The thief took that too. Off site back up is best!!!!!!
You can download them back from SmugMug
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