First Post, Only 1 Pic

Hello All, I have been lurking on this forum for a little while now, and was looking at one of my older pictures and thought of a question. This was taken when I first started out, and I know it has LOTS of technical issues :rolleyes, but still like it :dunno lol

My question is - To those of you that do boudoir photography, do you often photoshop out moles or freckles? Do you ask the client first? Or just wait and see if they bring it up?
I find all of her dark freckles here really distracting, is it just me? haha

My question is - To those of you that do boudoir photography, do you often photoshop out moles or freckles? Do you ask the client first? Or just wait and see if they bring it up?
I find all of her dark freckles here really distracting, is it just me? haha
Canon Fan
my site (NSFW)
I leave the natural in but soften it to taste if they're paying. If I am doing a model shoot, I get to do what ever I want to the image.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.